Warden’s Report: Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Nov.10 2015

The Ecological Reserve Warden for Trout Creek ER #7 Laurie Rockwell reports on his visit to the Reserve on Nov.10.

  • a cool 2c with a periodic wind,but a lot of warm sun. It was very quiet. The ground was frozen and there was light frost on the ground.
  • I saw or heard 7 species of forest birds,average for this time of the year, including all 3 nuthatches.
  • all plants are in a state of suspended animation until next spring. There are many more than the usual number of pine needles on the ground for this time of the year, due, no doubt to the dry summer.
  • I saw many deer tracks and scat, some in new locations. I attribute this to the fall migration from the mountains to the valley.
  • I was upset to find that the 2 stiles that Parks built at the 12th green of the golf course to allow golfers to retrieve errant golf balls off the reserve,and the sign asking them to use the stiles, were gone! The original stile was there when I started in 1992 and the newest stile was installed in 2010 for the lazy golfers who would not use the stile. This almost completely stopped the assault on the reserve fence; needless to say, the golfers resorted to trashing the fence.
  • there was no sign of illegal human activity.
  • another fence post had died on duty.
  • this is was my last tour until Feb. or Mach 2016……Laurie Rockwell