
Warden’s report -Visit to ER #76 – Fraser River Islands, April 26, 2008

Posted April 26, 2008 | Categories : 76,Human Disturbance,Species List,Warden Reports |

Visit to ER #76 – Fraser River Islands, April 26, 2008

Sunny, warm; very low water – 0 to 1.5 m at Mission

Put it at Nicomen Island boat launch after carrying our boats from the locked gate. River very low with large sand/gravel bars exposed. Landed lower big island and observed bald eagle in nest in the large cottonwoods. Walked up the swale, explored the beaver activity and ponds near top, then down the dry central swale to south tip. Observed large baled bunches of equisetum (northern scouring rush) on downstream tip of island closest to Chilliwack Mountain. Walked up shore of largest island, then in boats to upper islands and explored extensive sand bank area, as we could walk there at low water.


50 Wigeon (flew from farm fields to islands)

Double crested cormorants

Bald eagle (1 on nest, 1 flying with fish in talons to nest, 1 imm)


Greater yellowlegs -2 (but legs almost orange)

Song sparrow

Swallows (violet green or tree)

Robin – 2

Northwestern crow – flying 20

Rufous hummingbird

Turkey vulture (2) flying overhead

Common Merganser – 8 in channel

Gulls – ring billed or mew – 22

Violet green swallow – 10

Black capped chickadee

Red tailed hawk

Hutton’s vireo

Canada geese – pair

Mallards – 6

Yellow-rumped warbler

Great blue heron – on tip of upper island Other

Butterfly – browny red colour, on gravel

Butterfly – blue

Tree frog (by sound)

Toads (young)

Salmon fry in isolated ponds

Deer – pair

Bear tracks

Coyote tracks ?

Freshwater clams



Miner’s lettuce

Cottonwood tree with English ivy climbing half way up

Tall Oregon grape in flower

Equisetum (northern scouring rush) – 30” stalks, in bundles, about 5000 stalks in total