
ER#136 Comox Lake Bluffs Photos 2008-2009

Posted May 5, 2008 | Categories : 136,Photos,Species List |

Images from the Comox Lake Bluffs, 2008-2009

Comox Valley Naturalists on a field trip to the Comox Lake Bluffs  in May of 2008.

The following pictures were taken during the year by  Robbie Robinson and Ecoreserve Warden Helen Robinson. Pass your cursor over the pictures below for and scientific names . Then click on the small image for a full picture. Also, the pictures are numbered at the lower right hand corner and the  key for identification comes after the images below.

Key to identify the images above:

 1.Barred owl Strix varia  2.View to the south-east from the bluff  3.Comox Lake Bluffs
 4. Seaside juniper  Juniperus maritima**  5.view towards the Comox glacier  6.Themidaceae:    Brodiaea coronaria
 7.Hepaticae:     Asterella gracilis  8.Ophioglossaceae:     Botrychium simplex  9.Ericaceae:     Allotropa virgata
 10.Agavaceae:     Camassia quamash  11.Orchidaceae:     Calypso bulbosa  12.Asteraceae:     Luina hypoleuca
 13Apiaceae:     Lomatium utriculatum  14.Celastraceae:     Paxistima myrsinites  15.Fabaceae:     Trifolium willdenowii
 16.Melanthiaceae:     Zygadenus venenosus  17.Orchidaceae:     Corallorhiza maculata  18.Orchidaceae:     Piperia transversa
 19.Orobanchaceae:     Boschniakia hookeri  20.Phrymaceae:     Mimulus alsinoides  21.Plantaginaceae:     Penstemon serrulatus
 22.Polemoniaceae:     Collomia heterophylla  23.Portulacaceae:     Claytonia perfoliata  24.Rosaceae:     Rosa gymnocarpa
 25Saxifragaceae:     Saxifraga rufidula  26.Saxifragaceae:     Lithophragma parviflorium  27.Valerianaceae:     Plectrites congesta
 28.Valerianaceae:     Plectrites congesta

**all of the formerly named Rocky Mountain junipers that occur in the coastal area are a new species, and have been named Juniperus maritima, seaside juniper, and yes, the species is blue-listed. (please refer to the BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer).  “The species, previously included in J. scopulorum, is characterized by having seed cones that mature in one year (14-16 months), seeds usually exserted from the cone, obtuse scale leaf tips, usually reniform seed cones, scaleleaves overlap less than 1/5 the length, and the branchlets smooth and reddish-brown.”  This quote from Robert P. Adams