Draft Management Plan for the Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) Stand in and Adjacent to the Yale ER, March 31, 2002

(Including Details of Activities to Date) March 31, 2002 Prepared by: Biospherics Environmental Inc. 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes initial restoration-related activities and presents a draft restoration plan for the Garry oak (Quercus garryana) stand in and adjacent to the Yale Ecological Reserve north-east of Yale, British Columbia (Appendix 1, Fig. 1). The Yale Garry

2002 Restoration Plan for Dionisio Point Provincial Park Galiano Island

2002 Restoration Plan for Dionisio Point Provincial Park Galiano Island Prepared by: Nathan Gaylor Odin Scholz Keith Erickson May  2002 Link to PDF report: 2002RestorationPlanforDionisioPointProvincialParkGalianoIsland-FIA2002MR027. At the landscape level, Dionisio plays an important role in the protected areas strategy for Galiano Island. Connectivity between existing protected areas running from mid-island to the northern most point

Inter-annual variation in the diet, provisioning and growth of Cassin’s auklet at Triangle Island, British Columbia: responses to variation in ocean climate

From Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 229: 221–232, 2002 Published March 20  April Hedd1,*, John L. Ryder1, Laura L. Cowen2, Douglas F. Bertram1, 3 1Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, and 2Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada 3Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife

Overview Vladimir J. Krajina (Port Chanal) ER #45

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect representative ecosystems, rare genetic resources, endemic wildlife, plants and plant communities and outstanding biological phenomena in a remote coastal setting Physical: Located on the west slope of the Queen Charlotte Ranges, the reserve includes mountainous terrain to 825 m in elevation, 60 km of marine shoreline, two large islands, and a

Stewardship Account for Rosy Owl-clover: Orthocarpus bracteosus

Orthocarpus bracteosus has been known in the Victoria area since 1893.    Historical records for Sidney, Oak Bay, Victoria and the Patricia Bay Highway are unmappable because the locality is too vague.    Historical records of populations at Rollin’s Farm, Blenkinsop (Lost) Lake, Mount Douglas (Cedar Hill) and Beacon Hill are at least 90 years old and

Independent Assessment of Satellite Channel Ecological Reserve #067: With Respect to the GSX Pipeline

Satellite Channel Ecological Reserve #067 (ER67), located between Saltspring Island and Saanich Peninsula, was designated in 1975 to conserve rich benthic communities typical of fine-grained, level-bottom environments in the southern Gulf Islands (Figure 1). Under the Ecological Reserve Act, industrial uses are prohibited in ecological reserves (ER) to protect the environmental values associated with these