CDC Field Survey, 1999, A Ceska and J.Pojar Species List.

On April 23 1999 population counts for Sanicula arctipoides , site notes and position of polygons were noted. In addition Sagina decumbens spp.occidentalis was also observed. Survey by Adolf Ceska and Jim Pojar, 1999 complete list in PDF: ceska_pojar_1981_trial_island_er_proposal_plant_list

Naikoon Provincial Park Management Plan 1999

Management Plan for Naikoon Provincial Park and the two ecological reserves Click to access naikoon_pk_mp_19990503_8ea0276b3f.pdf Page 38 of section 5 deals specifically with the Ecological reserves. Provides direction for the long-term management of Naikoon Provincial Park (and Tow Hill Ecological Reserve and Rose Spit Ecological Reserve) on the northeast corner of Haida Gwaii. The approved