Claud Elliott Creek Overview: Physical and Biological

ORIGINAL PURPOSE: To protect representative old-growth montane forest communities on northeastern Vancouver Island Physical: The reserve comprises mostly southeast-facing and some south-facing slopes of a low mountain ridge. Bedrocks belong to the Island Intrusions formation and surficial materials are till and colluvium. Soils are mostly Orthic Humo-ferric Podzols. See the complete version of this document

Blue/Dease River ER #58 Overview: Biological and Physical

Original Purpose: To establish a research area containing a variety of communities in the Boreal White and Black Spruce Zone. Physical:: The reserve lies on a plain of low relief in the Liard River drainage. Micro-relief is provided by many glacial features, oriented in an east-west direction, including eskers, drumlins and morainal landforms. These show

Tsitika River Ecological reserve #124 Overview: Physical and Biological

Physical: The reserve comprises a flat to gently sloping, wet flood plain that has developed thin peat deposits adjacent to the Tsitika River. Biological: A variety of bog and fen communities are surrounded by a fringe of forest communities. Bog and fen communities are: (1) Labrador tea -sphagnum moss, (2) shore pine-western redcedar-Labrador tea, (3)