Tranquille Ecological reserve #29 Warden’s Report.2013 (Kitamura)
This report was submitted by Kats and June Kitamura, ER Reserve Wardens who share the duties with ER Warden Joan Best
This report was submitted by Kats and June Kitamura, ER Reserve Wardens who share the duties with ER Warden Joan Best
ORIGINAL PURPOSE Preservation of representative ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir ecosystems in a prominent interior valley Physical: This reserve, located on the north side of the Thompson River valley, has two distinct landforms. Its northeastern half consists of steep, gullied slopes which drop away sharply from the Red Plateau to the north. These have much exposed
The Importance of the Facial Pit of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake(Crotalus viridis oreganus) Under Natural Conditions in Southern British Columbia. An MScĀ thesis submitted by William Barton Preston UBC, 1964. See full PDF : preston_1964_importance_of_facial_pit_of_north_pac_rattlesnake_southern_bc_thesis reference: The Western ratttlesnake: photos from the bc govt. publication above