Set-back Distances to protect nesting and roosting seabirds off Vancouver Island from boat disturbance

Trudy Chatwin’s Master’s theses from Royal Roads University. ABSTRACT: In order to set guidelines that promote responsible wildlife viewing, I quantified the effects of boat-based disturbance to seabirds off Vancouver Island. Field trials recorded the approach distance at which roosting and nesting birds responded to either a motor boat or a kayak. Probability of agitation

East Rankine Island Field Observations: 1978

Trudy Carson ( now Trudy Chatwin) made field notes on rocky crevice and shore plants, seepage rock crevice Plants , higher level rock crevices( 20 ft) and interior forested areas. Cassin ‘s auklet burrows were observed. Two burrows were investigated and two young were pulled, one was considerably larger than the other.

Ecological Reserve Proposal p278. The Kerouard Islands

This proposal was submitted in 1978 by Trudy Carson prior to the creation of this reserve . The Kerouard Islands are located between Hecate Strait and the open Pacific Ocean, at the southern-most tip of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Isolated, rugged and extremely wild, these islands and their associated waters provide habitat for multitudes and