Liumchen ER #143 Biological and Physical Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect an area of montane and subalpine flora and fauna representative for the North West Cascade Ecosection and protect rare species and special karst habitat. Physical: The reserve consists of the three south/north-draining valleys and headwaters of Liumchen Creek, between the international border and their confluence. The two western of these parallel

Skagit River Cottonwoods Overview

PHYSICAL: The reserve is on the floodplain of the Skagit River , a relatively small, fast-flowing river with a gradient of about six m/km. The northeast-southwest trending valley, located in the Hozameen Ranges of the Cascade Mountains, is bounded by slopes of about 30o which rise to peaks of 2100-2500 m. The valley is relatively

Skagit River Cottonwoods ER #89

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To maintain stands of alluvial black cottonwoods for purposes of hybridization and stock improvement. Physical: The reserve river with a gradient of about six m/km. The northeast-southwest trending valley, located in the Hozameen Ranges of the Cascade Mountains, is bounded by slopes of about 30o which rise to peaks of 2100-2500 m. The