AGM of FER – Guest speakers on the History of Ecological Reserves in British Columbia

After the meeting section of the 2020 AGM, a series of speakers who had an early influence in creating ecological reserves 50 years ago present their stories and interesting perspectives on the early beginnings of the Ecological Reserves System in British Columbia. Bristol Foster, Jim Pojar, Louise Goulet, Hans Roemer, Vicky Husband and Lynne Milnes

The Vegetation of Alpha and Griffin Islands

During the fall of 1977 the vegetation of alpha and Griffin Isalnds …was described and classified. the Braun-Blanquet releve method of phytoassociation was used in conjunction with the Ceska-Roemer computer program. —- Fall, 1977, Trudy Carson and Lynne Milnes: for Biology 418, Dr. Marcus Bell See the complete report in the PDF file:Vegetation(2)