Set-back Distances to protect nesting and roosting seabirds off Vancouver Island from boat disturbance

Trudy Chatwin’s Master’s theses from Royal Roads University. ABSTRACT: In order to set guidelines that promote responsible wildlife viewing, I quantified the effects of boat-based disturbance to seabirds off Vancouver Island. Field trials recorded the approach distance at which roosting and nesting birds responded to either a motor boat or a kayak. Probability of agitation

IBA Chain Islets and Great Chain Birds ( ER# 94)

From: IBA Chain Islets & Great Chain Islet Victoria, British Columbia Site Summary BC045 Latitude Longitude 48.42° N 123.269° W Elevation Size 0 – 5 m 1.38 km² Habitats: scrub/shrub, sedge/grass meadows, mud or sand flats (saline), open sea, coastal cliffs/rocky shores (marine), rocky flats & barrens Land Use: Nature conservation and research Potential

Behavioral Ecology of Transient Killer Whales ( Orcinus orca) around Southern Vancouver Island, B.C. Preliminary Research Summary

Robin Baird and Pam Stacey prepared this report and a summary  and synthesis of data collected on all aspects of Transient Killer whale behaviour, pod dynamics , and ecology in southern B.C. See the complete PDF  ( 41 pages)foraging_behaviour_of_transient_killer_whales

The Vegetation of Alpha and Griffin Islands

During the fall of 1977 the vegetation of alpha and Griffin Isalnds …was described and classified. the Braun-Blanquet releve method of phytoassociation was used in conjunction with the Ceska-Roemer computer program. —- Fall, 1977, Trudy Carson and Lynne Milnes: for Biology 418, Dr. Marcus Bell See the complete report in the PDF file:Vegetation(2)