Opportunity for ER wardens to submit project ideas for potential funding to address issues in their ERs
Ecoreserve wardens can submit proposals for conservation and stewardship projects to regional BC Parks staff to be considered for funding through the Parks Enhancement Fund, which the BC Parks License Plates program funds. BC Parks issued the call for proposals on June 5. The June 26th. deadline is coming up soon! For details, see .
At the June 3rd meeting that FER had with BC Parks, James Quayle, Manager of Conservation, said that BC Parks would welcome proposals to address conservation and stewardship issues from ER wardens for Park Enhancement Fund projects funded by the BC Parks License Plate Program.ER wardens should connect with their local BC Parks contact to discuss project ideas to address the issues they recently identified to FER, e.g., mark boundaries of ERs, remove alien species, restore habitat, educate adjacent neighbours about ERs, fill specific information gaps, etc. License Plate Program proposals are generated internally by BC Parks staff, but are often written in collaboration with partners and volunteers.