In Memoriam: Rolf Kellerhals (1934-2016)

From the Alpine Cliub of Canada website: Rolf, along with his wife Heather were the Ecological Reserve Wardens, for the Nimpkish Island Ecological Reserve until his passing in 2016. (see section in green below:)  October 11, 1934 – August 25, 2016 Not long after he was born in Switzerland Rolf’s parents took him into

Trout Creek ER Management Plan, 2016

BC Parks is indebted to Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell for his years of dedication in monitoring and record collection in Trout Creek Ecological Reserve. Further thanks to ecologist Don Gayton and environmental consultant Alison Peatt for providing additional information on landscape features and characteristics of the ecological reserve. Jeremy Hiebert allowed permission to use

The effects of sea otter (Enhydra lutris) foraging on shallow rocky communities off northwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Title: The effects of sea otter (Enhydra lutris) foraging on shallow rocky communities off northwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, by Watson, Jane Catherine, Ph.D, report of 1993 Click on following link for the full report Watson 1993 PhD Thesis OCR !! THE EFFECTS OF SEA OTTER (ENHYDRA LUTRlS) FORAGING ON SHALLOW ROCKY COMMUNITIES OFF NORTHWESTERN VANCOUVER ISLAND Jane Catherine