Warden letter, Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve, April, 2013
This letter was written by the Ecological Reserve Warden and supported by her Area Supervisor.
Dear TimberWest,
I am writing to you as the volunteer warden of the BC Parks Comox Bluffs Ecological Reserve, which is situated on the north shore of Comox Lake and accessed via a walking trail off of the main Timberwest logging road. Although the reserve is closed to motorized vehicles, there is an increasing number of people on dirt bikes and ATVs coming in from the logging road to use the site. I do believe some more rocks across the access trail would help forestall some of the traffic for a while at least and I wonder if you might help in this respect, (and if you have any other ideas what to do about these nuisance vehicles, I would be glad to hear them!) You will not be surprised to hear that there are frequently signs of campfires within the reserve, also against regulations. Most of these fires are along the beach and are probably lit by people coming to the reserve by boat. But some are on higher ground, on the main meadow area and some on the (presently very dry), mossy bluffs.
Thankyou for any help you can give,
Yours sincerely, Mandy Vaughan——–
–approved by
Andy Smith
Area Supervisor,
BC Parks, Strathcona Area
West Coast Region
(250) 337-2405