Anna served as warden for this reserve from the late 70’s until 2010. She has contributed a number of photos, which are added here.
- Juniper horizontalis closeup
- Juniper horizontalis photo by Anna Roberts
- The fern Woodsia scopulina
- Artemesia michauxiana
- Artemesia michauxiana close_up
- Cardiff Mt. Base photo by Anna Roberts
- Basalt Columns at Cardiff Mountain
- Basalt columns
- Cardiff Mt. Base photo by Anna Roberts
- Cardiff Mt. Basalt columns photo by Anna Roberts
- Nodding Onion
- Mt. Tatlow from Cardiff Mt Ecological Reserve
- Cardiff Mt. Eastern slope #55
- Sparse vegetation on slope
- Lichens
- Lichens
- Lichens, photo by Anna Roberts
- fallen p[arts of columns
- Mud wasps nests fastened to the rock surface
- Cardiff Mountain ER