
Cougar Canyon ER#108 Visit by Warden: March 6, 2009

Posted March 9, 2009 | Categories : 108,Photos,Warden Reports |

Ecological Reserve Warden Roseanne Van Ee and her husband Rick visited Cougar Canyon Ecological Reserve on  March 6, 2009. They took these pictures while going through the reserve :

Roseanne noted in her report to the BC Parks Area Supervisor:

“Attached are photos from our Cougar Canyon expedition.  We entered through the gravel pit end and were able to snowshoe up for a couple hours before returning.  Rick has made this map of where we went. The timing to go this route was perfect.  The snow had melted and refroze only a day or two before, yet Friday morning was sunny and just below zero.   The photos make the snowshoe trip look easy only because the tangly brush between ponds and lakes was so dense it was hard to photograph.   The mosses and lichens are surprisingly abundant and the tracks in these photos were fairly recent cougar tracks. We can’t imagine getting through the canyon bottom, as we did, under any other circumstances.  Under the same weather conditions, we estimate the time to get through from one end to the next would be about 7 hrs. We didn’t see any Eco Reserve signs at this end.  Are they there and we missed them? Or, did you want some put up?”

We will be adding comments to these photos later.