Liumchen Lake photos

Photographer Erik  Kehler of Scenic Arts , a Division of , Inc has the following images of Liumchen Lake linked here to his website: Gallery 1 Gallery 2 The Liumchem Lake images are by Eric Kehler, Copyright 2012 by ScenicArt a division of, Inc. 604-538-4905, or

An assessment of abundance and growth of the sea otter population (Enhydra lutris) in British Columbia

An assessment of abundance and growth of the sea otter population (Enhydra lutris) in British Columbia By Nichol, L.M., J.C. Watson, G.M. Ellis, J.K.B. Ford Abstract Sea otters were re-introduced to British Columbia from Alaska between 1969 and 1972. The first population count was made in 1977. Since 1988, field surveys have been undertaken using small boat or helicopter,