2003 Weed Management Annual Report Okanagan Region


Weed management projects were completed on Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP), Okanagan Region, provincial parks, protected areas and ecological reserves as well as Nature Trust of British Columbia (BC) lease-back lands. These projects included weed inventory and control (cultural, biological and chemical). All weed management projects were completed under Weed Management Plan #671-0003- 2002/2007 and met criteria outlined in PENWEED Weed Inventory Systems documents. All weed inventory and control forms were entered into the PENWEED database and digitised into ArcView GIS.

See the complete PDF from BC Parks at: moe_okanagan region_2003_weed_report



Inventory was completed on approximately 32 hectares. Mechanical treatment was completed on approximately 16 hectares. Mecinus janthinus biological control agents were released on provincial parks, protected areas and ecological reserves. Chemical treatments were completed on 2.5 hectares. In total, 3.4 litres of chemical was applied (3.0 litres of Tordon 22K and 0.4 litres of Roundup); therefore, 0.86 kilograms of active ingredient (0.718 kilograms of picloram and 0.142 kilograms of glyphosate) was applied.

Recommendations for 2004 weed management projects are provided based on observations and events, which occurred during the 2003 season as well as historical treatment data. Historical treatment data (prior to 2003) entered into PENWEED was analysed to assess control effectiveness and assist in 2004 weed management recommendations.

In total, the cost estimate for the Okanagan Region’s 2004 weed program is $57,185.00.