Background Report, Checleset Bay Ecological Reserve

By D. A Blood- prepared for BC Parks, South Coast  Region. A very detailed 50 page report providing good backgound information on History,Climate,Physical Setting, Geology, Terrestrial Flora and Fauna and Marine Flora and Fauna. Also section on Sea Otters and Cultural Values. See the fullBackgrCheclesetBayER_Blood 1992_Ecocat PDF here: Section on reseource management issues

The Social Dynamics of Male Killer Whales, Orcinus orca in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia: PhD 1992

Dissertation submitted for Doctor of Philosophy in Biology by Naomi Anne Rose, December 1992 “The study took place in the summers of 1987 to 1990. Animals were observed in daylight hours . Adolescents interacted socially with others twice as often as did juveniles or adults. …..” See the 202 page dissertation PHD:social_dynamics_of_male_killer_whales