
Ecological Reserves Created in British Columbia May4 , 1971

Posted May 4, 1971 | Categories : BC Parks,ER,History,News,Reports |

By Jenny L. Feick, PhD.

“On May 4, 1971, the Government of British Columbia became the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass legislation to protect ecological reserves. May 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Ecological Reserves Act and regulations and the establishment of B.C.’s first ecological reserves. Ecological reserves are permanent sanctuaries, located throughout B.C., selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The principal uses of ecological reserves are for scientific research and educational purposes. Despite their small size[1], they protect exceptionally important features. They truly are the rare gems of B.C.’s protected areas system. Several ecological reserves protect examples of mountain ecosystems, and rare and endangered mountain-dwelling plant and animal species. Some of the ERs include parts of Mounts Derby, Elliott, Griffin, Maxwell, Sabine, Tinsdale, Tuam and Tzuhalem.”


See the remainder of this article published on the 50th anniversary , in May 2020:


See the rest of the article here: