Riccia frostii, a new find on the Sandbars of the Fraser River Islands.

Rosemary Taylor was along on the Fraser River Trip of October 7, 2011 doing photography. We came across a small green plant, at first thinking they were seedlings sprouting on a sandbank , I called over   Terry Taylor  for an identification . He immediately came up with the fact that it was a liverwort,

ER Warden Field Day: BC Parks Staff and Wardens Reconnect

From: THE LOG   FRIENDS OF ECOLOGICAL RESERVES NEWSLETTER      AUTUMN/WINTER 2011 By Rosemary Taylor It has been several years since any gathering between Ecological Reserve wardens and Parks staff has occurred in the Lower Mainland, but on October 7, 2011, just such an event was organized by Bev Ramey (Co-Warden of ER#76, Fraser River Ecological Reserve)