Field notes on Rose Islands Ecological reserve visit

On July 11, 2014, Roger Allen ( warden) and BC Parks Staff  Trudy Chatwin and Hugh McDonald with Darrian (student at UVIC ),  visited Rose Islands Ecological Reserve. Seabirds recorded on Rose Islets: Double-crested Cormorants – 3 (2 adults, 1 immature) , Pelagic Cormorant – 9 (all immature), Pigeon Guillemot – 3, Harlequin Ducks –

Warden’s Report Oak Bay Islands Ecological Reserve 2000

During 2000, the warden made 13 visits to the reserve.  Most of these visits were for general survey purposes but other visits were for beach clean-up on Alpha and Griffin Islets, preliminary wildflower survey on Jemmy Jones Islet, Double-crested Cormorant nest count on Great Chain Island and broom removal on Griffin Islet.  On five occasions