Sartine Island ER 15 Photos by Dana Haggarty
Dana Haggarty took these photos of Sartine Islands Ecological Reserve on a research trip on the Coast Guard Vessel the Vector, doing research on Rockfish. They appear on her Flickr site.
Dana Haggarty took these photos of Sartine Islands Ecological Reserve on a research trip on the Coast Guard Vessel the Vector, doing research on Rockfish. They appear on her Flickr site.
See PDF BC PARKS canoe islands COMPOSITION Physical: The reserve 400m from the Valdes Island shoreline. These are composed of glacially smoothed sedimentary rocks of the Nanaimo Group, and lie at the eastern edge of Georgia Strait. Subtidally, strongly sloping bedrock substrates of irregular relief are interrupted by narrow sand-shell terraces. The channel between Canoe
Marilyn Lambert and Barry P. Booth did this report in January, 2001 for the IBA Program, an International initiative coordinated by Birdlife International, a partnership of member-based organizations in over 1200 countries seeking to identify and Conserve sites important to all bird species worldwide. See the full 4 page PDF :Chain Islets IBA report 2001
Census by Derek Astbury See the (2 pages) PDF: Canoe, Rose and Ballingall Islets ER Cormorant counts 1999cormorant
Inventory Methods for Seabirds: cormorants, gulls, murres, storm-petrels, Ancient Murrelet, auklets, puffins, and Pigeon Guillemot Standards for Components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity No. 13 Prepared by Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Resources Inventory Branch for the Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force Resources Inventory Committee March 97 Version 0.0 © The Province of British Columbia Published