Plants identified by Frank Lomer Apr 22, Sept 15 & 30, Oct 7 & 8, 2024; | |||
includes plants confirmed on old plant list; plants not confirmed are listed separately at the end | |||
Genus | Species | Common Name | Exotic – E |
Invasive | |||
TREES | Or RARE – | ||
Blue-, Red-listed | |||
Acer | macrophyllum | Bigleaf Maple | |
Alnus | rubra | Red Alder | |
Betula | papyrifera | Paper Birch | |
Betula | pendula | European Birch | E |
Cornus | nuttalli | Western Flowering Dogwood | |
Crataegus | douglasii | Black Hawthorn | |
Crataegus | monogyna | European (Common) Hawthorn | E |
Frangula | purshiana | Cascara (syn Rhamnus purshiana) | |
Juglans | ailantifolia | Japanese Walnut | E |
Malus | fusca | Pacific Crab Apple | |
Morus | alba | White Mulberry | E |
Populus | trichocarpa | Black Cottonwood | |
Prunus | laurocerasus | Cherry-laurel | E |
Prunus | avium | Sweet Cherry | E |
Prunus | emarginata | Bitter Cherry | |
Pseudotsuga | menziesii | Douglas-fir | |
Thuja | plicata | Western Redcedar | |
Tsuga | heterophylla | Western Hemlock | |
SHRUBS | |||
Acer | circinatum | Vine Maple | |
Alnus | incana | Speckled Alder | |
Artemisia | tridentata | Big Sagebrush (single sapling) | |
Berberis | aquifolium | Tall Oregon Grape | |
Berberis | thunbergii | Japanese Barberry | E |
Clematis | ligusticifolia | White Clematis | |
Cornus | sericea | Red-osier Dogwood | |
Cotoneaster | divaricatus | Spreading Cotoneaster | E |
Euonymus | europaeus | European Spindle | E |
Hedera | helix | English Ivy | E, Invasive |
Ilex | aquifolium | English Holly | E, Invasive |
Ligustrum | vulgare | Common Privet | E |
Lonicera | involucrata | Black Twinberry | |
Oemleria | cerasiformis | Osoberry | |
Physocarpus | capitatus | Pacific Ninebark | |
Rosa | nutkana | Nootka Rose | |
Rosa | multiflora | Rambler Rose | E |
Rubus | spectabilis | Salmonberry | |
Rubus | armeniacus | Himalayan Blackberry | E, Invasive |
Rubus | parviflorus | Thimbleberry | |
Rubus | spectabilis | Salmonberry | |
Rubus | ursinus | Trailing Blackberry | |
Rubus | ursinus x armeniacus | Trailing Blackberry x Himalayan Blackberry | E, Invasive |
Salix | lasiandra | Pacific Willow | |
Salix | sessilifolia | Soft-leaved Willow, Sandbar Willow | |
Salix | prolixa | Mackenzie Willow | |
Salix | sitchensis | Sitka Willow | |
Salix | scouleriana | Scouler’s Willow | |
Sambucus | racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Spiraea | douglasii | Hardhack | |
Symphoricarpos | albus | Common Snowberry | |
Vaccinium | corymbosum | Highbush Huckleberry | E |
Viburnum | opulus var. opulus | European Cranberrybush | E |
Achillea | borealis | Yarrow | |
Actaea | rubra ssp. arguta | Baneberry | |
Agrimonia | gryposepala | Common Agrimony | |
Alisma | triviale | American Water-plantain | |
Amaranthus | albus | Tumbleweed | E |
Amelanchier | lamarckii | Lamarck’s Serviceberry (Saskatoon) | E |
Anaphalis | margaritacea | Pearly Everlasting | |
Apocynum | cannabinum | Hemp, Common Dogbane | |
Arabidopsis | lyrata ssp. kamchatica | Lyre-leaved Rockcress | |
Arctium | minus | Common Burdock | E,Invasive |
Arenaria | serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Sandwort | E |
Artemisia | absinthium | Wormwood | E, Invasive |
Artemisia | biennis | Biennial Wormwood | |
Artemisia | borealis | Boreal Wormwood | |
Artemisia | campestris | Northern Wormwood | |
Artemisia | dracunculus | Tarragon | |
Artemisia | frigida | Prairie Sagewort | |
Artemisia | lindleyana | Columbia River Mugwort | |
Artemisia | michauxiana | Michaux’s Mugwort | |
Asclepias | speciosa | Showy Milkweed | |
Astragalus | tenellus | Pulse Milk-vetch | |
Bassia | scoparia | Summer-cypress | E, Invasive |
Bidens | amplissima | Vancouver Island Beggarticks | Blue-listed |
Bidens | cernua | Nodding Beggarticks | |
Bidens | frondosa | Common Beggarticks | E |
Blitum | capitatum | Strawberry-blite | |
Brassica | napus | Turnip, Winter Rape, Canola | E |
Canadanthus | modestus | Great Northern Aster | |
Centaurea | diffusa | Diffuse Knapweed | E, Invasive |
Centaurea | stoebe ssp. australis | Spotted Knapweed (was ssp. micranthos) | E, Invasive |
Cerastium | fontanum ssp.vulgare | Mouse-eared Chickweed | E |
Chamaenerion | angustifolium | Fireweed (syn Epilobium angustifolium) | |
Chenopodium | album | Lamb’s Quarters | E |
Chenopodium | pedunculare | (syn Chenopodium album var. pedunculare) | E |
Chenopodium | strictum | Late-flowering Goosefoot (syn C.betaceum) | E |
Cichorium | intybus | Chicory | E, Invasive |
Cirsium | arvense | Canada Thistle | E, Invasive |
Cirsium | vulgare | Bull Thistle | E, Invasive |
Cirsium | undulatum | Wavy-leaved Thistle | |
Conyza | canadensis | Horseweed, | |
Corispermum | pallasii | Pallas’ Bugseed | |
Corispermum | villosum | Hairy Bugseed | |
Crepis | tectorum | Annual Hawksbeard | E, Invasive |
Daucus | carota | Wild Carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace) | E, Invasive |
Descurainia | longepedicellata | Western Tansy Mustard | |
Dicentra | formosa | Bleeding Heart | |
Dracocephalum | parviflorum | Purple Dragonhead | |
Dysphania | botrys | Jerusalem-oak | E |
Epilobium | ciliatum | Purple-leaved Willowherb | |
Epipactis | helleborine | Helleborine (Orchid) | E |
Erigeron | philadelphicus | Philadephia fleabane | |
Erigeron | strigosus | Whitetop Fleabane | |
Erodium | cicutarium | Stork’s-bill | E |
Erysimum | cheiranthoides | Wormseed Mustard | E |
Euphorbia | glyptosperma | Corrugate-seeded Spurge | |
Euphorbia | virgata | Leafy Spurge (was E. esula) | E, Invasive |
Fallopia | convolvulus | Black Bindweed | E, Invasive |
Fragaria | virginiana | Wild Strawberry | |
Gaillardia | aristata | Brown-eyed Susan | |
Galeopsis | tetrahit | Hemp-nettle | E |
Galium | aparine | Cleavers | |
Galium | triflorum | Sweet-scented Bedstraw | |
Geranium | robertianum | Robert’s Geranium (Herb-Robert) | E, Invasive |
Gnaphalium | uliginosum | Marsh Cudweed | E, Invasive |
Grindella | squarrosa | Curly-cup Gumweed | |
Gypsophila | paniculata | Baby’s Breath | E, Invasive |
Helenium | autumnale var. montanum | Mountain Sneezeweed | |
Heracleum | maximum | Cow-parsnip | |
Heterotheca | villosa | Golden-aster | |
Hieracium | lachenalii | European Hawkweed | E, Invasive |
Hieracium | piloselloides | Tall Hawkweed | E, Invasive |
Hieracium | umbellatum | Umbellate Hawkweed | |
Hypericum | perforatum | Common St. John’s-wort | E |
Hypochaeris | radicata | Hairy Cat’s-Ear | E, Invasive |
Impatiens | capensis | Spotted Touch-me-not, Jewelweed | E |
Jacobaea | vulgaris | Tansy Ragwort | E, Invasive |
Lactuca | serriola | Prickly Lettuce | E |
Lapsana | communis | Nipplewort | E |
Lepidium | densiflorum | Prairie Pepper-grass | |
Leucanthemum | vulgare | Oxeye Daisy | E, Invasive |
Limosella | aquatica | Water Mudwort | |
Linaria | vulgaris | Butter-and-eggs | E, Invasive |
Linaria | dalmatica | Dalmatian Toadflax | E, Invasive |
Lycopus | asper | Rough Water Horehound | |
Lycopus | uniflorus | Northern Water Horehound | |
Lysimachia | ciliata | Fringed Loosestrife | |
Lysimachia | nummularia | Creeping Loosestrife (Creeping Jenny) | E |
Maianthemum | dilatatum | False Lily-of-the-valley | |
Maianthemum | racemosum | Large False Solomon’s Seal | |
Medicago | lupulina | Black Medic | E |
Medicago | sativa | Alfalfa | E |
Melilotus | albus | White Sweet Clover | E |
Mentha | canadensis | Field Mint | |
Mentha | x gracilis | Red Mint | E |
Mentzelia | laevicaulis | Blazing-star | |
Mollugo | verticillata | Common Carpetweed | E |
Mycelis | muralis | Wall Lettuce (syn Lactuca muralis) | |
Myosotis | laxa | Small-flowered Forget-me-not | |
Myosotis | scorpioides | European Forget-me-not | E |
Oenothera | biennis | Common Evening Primrose | E |
Oenothera | villosa | Hairy Evening Primrose | |
Osmorhiza | berteroi | Mountain Sweet-cicely | |
Oxybasis | glauca | Oak-leaved Goosefoot (syn Chenopodium glaucum) | E |
Oxybasis | rubra | Red Pigweed (syn Chenopodium rubrum) | |
Oxytropis | campestris | Field Locoweed | |
Parthenocissus | vitacea | Woodbine (syn Parthenocissus inserta) | E |
Penstemon | serrulatus | Coast Penstemon | |
Persicaria | hydropiper | Marshpepper Smartweed | E |
Persicaria | lapathifolium | Willow Weed | |
Persicaria | maculosa | Lady’s-thumb | E, Invasive |
Phacelia | hastata | Silverleaf Phacelia | |
Plantago | lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain | E |
Plantago | major | Common Plantain | E |
Polygonum | arenastrum | Oval-leaved Knotweed | E |
Polygonum | majus | Wiry Knotweed | |
Portulaca | oleracea | Common Purslane | E |
Potentilla | argentea | Silvery Cinquefoil | E |
Potentilla | norvegica | Norwegian Cinquefoil | |
Prunella | vulgaris ssp. lanceolata | Self-heal | |
Prunella | vulgaris ssp. vulgaris | Self-heal | E |
Pseudognaphalium | stramineum | Cotton-batting Cudweed | |
Ranunculus | acris | Meadow Buttercup | E, Invasive |
Ranunculus | repens | Creeping Buttercup | E, Invasive |
Ranunculus | sardous | Hairy Buttercup | E |
Ranunculus | sceleratus | Celery-leaved buttercup | |
Rorippa | curvipes | Bluntleaf Yellowcress | |
Rorippa | palustris ssp.hispida | Hispid Yellow Cress | |
Rorippa | palustris ssp. palustris | Marsh Yellow Cress | |
Rumex | crispus | Curled Dock | E, Invasive |
Rumex | fueginus | Golden Dock | |
Rumex | occidentalis | Western Dock | |
Rumex | triangulivalvis | Willow Dock | |
Sagina | procumbens | Bird’s-eye Pearlwort | E |
Salsola | tragus | Russian Thistle | E, Invasive |
Saponaria | officinalis | Bouncing-bett | E |
Scorzoneroides | autumnalis | Autumn Hawkbit | E |
Scutellaria | lateriflora | Blue Skullcap | |
Senecio | viscosus | Sticky Ragwort | E |
Silene | csereii | Biennial Campion (Catchfly) | E |
Silene | latifolia | White Cockle | E |
Silene | vulgaris | Bladder Campion | E, Invasive |
Sisymbrium | altissimum | Tall Tumble-mustard | E |
Sisymbrium | loeselii | Loesel’s Tumble-mustard | E |
Sium | suave | Hemlock Water-parsnip | |
Solanum | americanum | American Black Nightshade | E |
Solanum | dulcamara | European Bittersweet | E, Invasive |
Solanum | nigrum | Black Nightshade | E, Invasive |
Solanum | physalifolium | Hairy Nightshade | E, Invasive |
Solidago | altissima | Canada Goldenrod | E |
Solidago | lepida | Canada Goldenrod | |
Sonchus | arvensis | Perennial Sow-thistle | E, Invasive |
Sonchus | asper | Prickly Sow-thistle | E |
Spergularia | rubra | Red Sand-spurry | E |
Stachys | palustris | Swamp Hedge-nettle | |
Stellaria | graminea | Lesser starwort | E |
Symphyotrichum | bracteolatum | Eaton’s Aster | |
Symphyotrichum | ciliolatum | Lindley’s Aster | |
Symphyotrichum | ericoides var. pansum | Tufted White Prairie Aster | |
Symphyotrichum | laeve var. geyeri | Smooth Aster | |
Symphyotrichum | lanceolatum var. hesperium | Western Willow Aster | |
Tanacetum | vulgare | Common Tansy | E, Invasive |
Taraxacum | erythrospermum | Red-seeded Dandelion | E |
Taraxacum | officinale | Common Dandelion | E |
Toxicodendron | rydbergii | Poison Ivy (single sapling) | |
Tragopogon | dubius | Yellow Salsify | E, Invasive |
Trifolium | arvense | Hare’s Foot Clover | |
Trifolium | hybridum | Alsike Clover | E |
Trifolium | pratense | Red Clover | E |
Trifolium | repens | White Clover | E |
Tripleurospermum | inodorum | Scentless Mayweed (False-chamomile) | E, Invasive |
Urtica | dioica | Stinging Nettle | |
Verbascum | thapsus | Great Mullein | E, Invasive |
Verbena | bracteata | Bracted Vervain | |
Veronica | anagallis-aquatica | Blue Water Speedwell | E |
Veronica | beccabunga var. americana | American Speedwell | |
Vicia | villosa | Shaggy Vetch | E |
Xanthium | strumarium | Common Cocklebur | E |
Agropyron | cristatum | Crested Wheat Grass | E |
Agrostis | exarata | Spike Bentgrass | |
Agrostis | gigantea | Redtop | E |
Agrostis | scabra | Hair Bentgrass | |
Agrostis | stolonifera | Creeping Bentgrass | E |
Alopecurus | aequalis | Little Meadow-foxtail | |
Apera | interrupta | Silky Bentgrass | E |
Beckmannia | syzigachne | American Sloughgrass | |
Bromus | inermis | Smooth Brome | E |
Bromus | tectorum | Cheatgrass | E, Invasive |
Calamagrostis | epigejos | Chee Reedgrass | E |
Dactylis | glomerata | Orchard Grass | E |
Deschampsia | elongata | Slender Hairgrass | |
Dichanthelium | acuminatum | Western Witchgrass | |
Digitaria | sanguinalis | Hairy Crabgrass | E |
Digitaria | ischaemum | Smooth Crabgrass | E |
Echinochloa | crus-galli | Large Barnyard-grass | E, Invasive |
Elymus | canadensis | Canada Wildrye | |
Elymus | repens | Quackgrass | E |
Elymus | trachycaulus | Slender Wheatgrass | |
Eragrostis | pectinacea | Tufted Lovegrass | E |
Hordeum | brachyantherum | Meadow Barley | |
Hordeum | jubatum | Foxtail Barley | |
Muhlenbergia | mexicana | Wirestem Muhly | |
Panicum | capillare | Common Witchgrass | |
Phalaris | arundinacea | Reed Canarygrass | E |
Phleum | pratense | Common Timothy | E |
Poa | annua | Annual Bluegrass | E |
Poa | compressa | Canada Bluegrass | E |
Poa | nemoralis | Wood Bluegrass | E |
Polypogon | monspeliensis | Rabbitfoot Polypogon | E |
Setaria | viridis | Green Bristlegrass | E, Invasive |
Sporobolus | compositus | Rough Dropseed | |
Sporobolus | cryptandrus | Sand Dropseed | |
Carex | arcta | Northern Clustered Sedge | |
Carex | bebbii | Bebb’s Sedge | |
Carex | crawfordii | Crawford’s Sedge | |
Carex | leptopoda | Short-scaled Sedge | |
Carex | obnupta | Slough Sedge | |
Carex | retrorsa | Long-bracted Sedge | |
Eleocharis | acicularis | Needle Spike-rush | |
Eleocharis | obtusa | Blunt Spike-rush | |
Eleocharis | palustris | Common Spike-rush | |
Scirpus | cyperinus | Woolgrass | |
Scirpus | pallidus | Pale Bulrush | Red-listed |
Juncus | alpinoarticulatus | Alpine Rush | |
Juncus | articulatus | Jointed Rush | |
Juncus | balticus | Baltic Rush | |
Juncus | bufonius | Toad Rush | |
Juncus | compressus | Compressed Rush | E |
Juncus | dudleyi | Dudley’s Rush | |
Juncus | ensifolius | Dagger-leaf Rush | |
Juncus | nodosus | Tuberous Rush | |
Juncus | tenuis | Slender Rush | |
Callitriche | palustris | Spring Water-starwort | |
Elodea | canadensis | Canadian Waterweed | |
Myriophyllum | spicatum | Eurasian water-milfoil | E, Invasive |
Potamogeton | crispus | Curled Pondweed | E, Invasive |
Potamogeton | sp. | ||
Potamogeton | richardsonii | Richardson’s Pondweed | |
Sagittaria | latifolia | Broad-leaved Arrowhead | |
Typha | latifolia | Common Cattail | |
Zannichellia | palustris | Horned Pondweed | |
FERNS | |||
Asplenium | trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Athyrium | filix-femina | Lady Fern | |
Cystopteris | fragilis | Fragile Fern | |
Dryopteris | filix-mas | Male Fern | |
Polypodium | glycyrrhiza | Licorice Fern | |
Polystichum | munitum | Sword Fern | |
Equisetum | arvense | Common Horsetail | |
Equisetum | hyemale | Scouring Rush | |
Equisetum | variegatum ssp. alaskanum | Smooth Scouring Rush | |
Marchantia | polymorpha | ||
Riccia | frostii | ||
Plants on old checklist but not yet seen during Sept and Oct visits | |||
Genus | Species | ||
Trees | |||
Picea | sitchensis | Sitka Spruce | |
Shrubs | |||
Corylus | cornuta | Beaked Hazelnut | |
Ribes | lacustre | Black Gooseberry | |
Salix | hookeriana | Hooker’s Willow | |
Herbaceous plants | |||
Artemisia | suksdorfii | Suksdorf’s Mugwort | |
Castilleja | miniata | Scarley Paintbrush | |
Claytonia | perfoliata | Miner’s-lettuce | |
Cornus | unalaschkensis | Alaskan Bunchberry | |
Orthilia | secunda | One-sided Wintergreen | |
Symphyotrichum | subspicatum | Douglas’ aster | |
Horsetails | |||
Equisetum | laevigatum | Smooth Scouring-rush | |
Equisetum | pratense | Meadow Horsetail | |
Grasses | |||
Calamagrostis | canadensis | Blue-joint Reedgrass | |
Brachythecium | sp. | Short-capsuled Moss sp. | |
Dicranum | sp, | Broom Moss sp. | |
Eurhynchium | oreganum | Oregon Beaked Moss | |
Funaria | hygrometrica | Bonfire Moss | |
Isothecium | stoloniferum | Cat-tail Moss | |
Kindbergia | oregano | Oregon Beaked Moss | |
Leucolepis | menziesii | Menzies’ Tree Moss | |
Neckera | pennata | Feather Flat Moss | |
Physcomitrium | patens | Red-listed | |
Plagiomnium | insigne | Badge Moss | |
Rhytidiadelphus | loreus | Lanky Moss |