AGM Agenda January 29, 2021 -Friends of Ecological Reserves Society
Friends of Ecological Reserves Society
Annual General Meeting for 2019
Jan 29th 2021- 7:00PM
Rick Page: chair, Garry Fletcher and Marilyn Lambert will support Zoom graphics
- Welcome and acknowledgement of FNs unceeded Territory throughout BC
- Establish quorum.
- Review and approve the agenda.
- Approve Minutes from the last AGM held May 24, 2019, with Dr. John Ford as the speaker.
- Introduce current board members and support people. There will be a call for new board members.
Current Board
- Mike Fenger (past president)
- Garry Fletcher
- Jenny Feick
- Liz Williams (resigning Jan 2021)
- Marilyn Lambert
- Mary Rannie
- Rick Page
- Stephen Ruttan
- Bristol Foster (resigning Jan 2021)
Louise Beinhauer (LOG editor)
Michael Brinsmead (book keeping/financial statements)
6) Annual report of the Society for the year 2019 (Mike Fenger)
7) Treasurer’s report (Michael Brinsmead)
8) Membership report (Louise Beinhauer)
9) Field trips (Stephen Ruttan)
10) Nominations for board Everyone
11) New business (Jenny Feick and others)
50th anniversary of the Ecological Reserve Act – Brief history. We ask you all to join FER in commemorating this. Ideas??
Call for ER wardens (Marilyn Lambert)
8) Adjourn
7:30 to 10:00 pm. Guest Lecturers Brian Starzomski and Kate McKeown will take us on a tour of how to use iNaturalist, feature some of the results from the BC Parks iNaturalist project, and will show many biodiversity observations from the community of observers around the province, including many discoveries from ecological reserves.