Final Evidence Report Submitted to National Energy Board Environmental Assessment Process Hearings on Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project Application (KM-TMX)

Final Evidence Report Submitted to: National Energy Board Environmental Assessment Process Hearings on Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project Application (KM-TMX) _______________________________________________ NOTE: URLS have had to be changed in several references related to Race Rocks –listed below: page23-24: (In C33-7-1) page 23 and 24: remove the /wp/ from URLS they now are correctly linked

Table 5: Significant Species and Conservation Status in 19 Marine Ecological Reserves

Table 5: Significant Species and Conservation Status in 19 Marine Ecological Reserves ER# Name Species Scientific Name Species Common Name BC List Status COSEWIC Status SARA Status CF Prov. Priority 28 Ambrose Lake Oncorhynchus clarkii Coastal Cutthroat Trout, ssp. lewisi, S3S4 (2004) Blue Special concern  2 Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine Stickleback Yellow Special concern 6 24

High Density of Wandering Salamanders at Cleland Island Ecological Reserve, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia

Barbara Beasley, Ph.D. Association of Wetland Stewards for Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds P.O. Box 927, Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0 This report describes the results of a 3.5-hour survey of Wandering Salamanders (Aneides vagrans) at Cleland Island on May 20, 2015. I searched under logs, Styrofoam and plastic floats, rotting cabin boards, and rocks within an

Mt Elphinstone Proposed Park Expansion

From the Elphinstone Logging Focus website: Mt. Elphinstone Proposed Park Expansion Behind the town of Roberts Creek on BC’s Sunshine Coast lies the 140 hectare Mt. Elphinstone Provincial Park. Conservationists and local eco-group Elphinstone Logging Focus are calling for a 1500 hectare expansion of the park to include the surrounding endangered old-growth and mature