
ER Warden South Coast Meeting Agenda, February 18, 2013

Posted February 14, 2013 | Categories : Management,News |

Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Enviroment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) (10 AM)
  2. BC Parks Update (Joanna Hirner) (10:10 AM)
    • BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer Strategy
    • ER Warden Program updates: handbook updates, etc.
    • Regional updates: current Ecological Reserves and their wardens and Area Supervisors; BC Parks staffing changes
    • Reporting and data collection priorities: invasive plants, Conservation Risk Assessment and Ecological Integrity Reporting
  3. Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER) and demonstration of FER website (Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher, Friends of Ecological Reserves) (10:40 AM)Thank you and awards presentation (10:55 PM)
  4. Thank you and awards presentation (10:55 PM)
  5. Warden reports: round table report from each warden on their Ecological Reserve(s) (formal or informal) (11 AM)
  6. Lunch (12 noon
  7. More warden reports (12:30 PM)
  8. Group discussion (1 PM)
  • Multiple wardens for reserves?
  • How to encourage research (e.g. by local University researchers) in Ecological Reserves?
  • Any training needs?
  • Improving communications between wardens and BC Parks staff.
  • Any other topics?

9. Time to talk one on one with Area Supervisors, Parks staff, or other wardens. (1:45 PM)

10. Adjourn (2:00 PM)




  1. Time to talk one on one with Area Supervisors, Parks staff, or other wardens. (1:45 PM)


  1. Adjourn (2:00 PM)