Campbell-Brown Ecological Reserve Image Gallery

On the afternoon of October 11,2010, Ecological Reserve warden Linda Kennedy drove Garry Fletcher, Friends of Ecological Reserves Board member, Niran Lella and Roseanne Van Ee up to the top of The Campbell Brown Ecological Reserve, where we were able to walk down the full length of the reserve. Linda has a special connection to the reserve as it was her grandfather, Colin Campbell Brown, who had a ranch here in the early 1900’s, and her father Hugh Campbell Brown who donated the land to the province to be preserved.

We walked down an old trail cleared by her father in the mid 1960’s, and now overgrown with trees in some areas. The reserve was in remarkable condition with very little evidence of human impact. Threats posed are the need for continual maintenance of fences to keep cattle from grazing on the easily eroded steep-sloped grassland, and the need to keep public traffic in the reserve to a minimum. Since it was in the last few days before the winter rains started, the area was very dry and vulnerable to fires but its vegetation took on a special contrast of color. Since it is above Kalamalka lake, the view-scape from the many grassland clearings was spectacular.
G.Fletcher, Oct.2012