
Report: Rare Native Vascular Plants of the Southern Okanagan Grasslands-Field Report

Posted August 30, 2004 | Categories : 100,33,Maps,Photos,Rare Species,Reports,Research,Species List |
The Southern Okanagan Grasslands Protected Area was established in 2001 and encompasses about 4,481 ha of native grasslands in the southern Okanagan and southern Similkameen valleys of British Columbia. In the summer of 2004, The Nature Trust, through the Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund, provided Douglas Ecological Consultants Ltd. with funds to conduct a two-day inventory in the protected area for rare native vascular plants.
Author: George W. Douglas; Shyanne J. Smith; Douglas Ecological Consultants Ltd.; Nature Trust of British Columbia; Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund

See the complete PDF: RareNativeVascularPlantsoftheSouthernOkanaganGras_1175025650707_abdcfc0a83b64d9f900b8069bf7935dd

This report is included here since it covers part of the protected area around  Field’s lease ER, and the other side of the Lake from Hayne’s Lease.