Report: Rare Native Vascular Plants of the Southern Okanagan Grasslands-Field Report

The Southern Okanagan Grasslands Protected Area was established in 2001 and encompasses about 4,481 ha of native grasslands in the southern Okanagan and southern Similkameen valleys of British Columbia. In the summer of 2004, The Nature Trust, through the Brink/McLean Grassland Conservation Fund, provided Douglas Ecological Consultants Ltd. with funds to conduct a two-day inventory

Gilnockie Creek Management Direction Statement ER #104

Protected Area Attributes Conservation ␣    Contains provincially significant old growth western larch. ␣    Situated in the under-represented McGillivray Range Ecosection (1 % protected province wide). ␣    Contains under-represented ICH mk1 biogeoclimatic subzone/variant (4% protected province wide). ␣    One red-listed plant species (sweet marsh butterweed1) occurs in the wetland portion. ␣    Offers habitat for elk and