Nimpkish River 2003 Yookwa Creek construction report

This report describes the Yookwa Creek portion of the restoration work completed in Nimpkish River watershed during the 2003 instream construction window after several years of study. The Nimpkish Watershed Restoration Plan, 2002-2006 developed by ALBY Systems Ltd. (2001) ranked Reach Y1 of Yookwa Creek the highest priority reach for restoration in the Nimpkish Watershed.

Community Based Ecosystem Monitoring in British Columbia

The concept of involving citizen groups in the collection of long-term ecological baseline data is a relatively new idea for British Columbia. Currently, the demand for these data is on the increase, while the financial capacity and human resources of the traditional agencies collecting ecological data appears to be in long-term decline. As community-based ecosystem

Tufted puffin reproduction reveals ocean climate variability

Carina Gjerdrum*†, Anne M. J. Valle ́ e‡§, Colleen Cassady St. Clair*¶ Anomalously warm sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) are associated with interannual and decadal variability as well as with long-term climate changes indicative of global warming. Such oscillations could precipitate changes in a variety of oceanic processes to affect marine species worldwide. As global temperatures continue