Purpose Statement
Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural
ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena.
The key goal of ecological reserves is to contribute to th e maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic materials.
All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohib ited.
Primary Role
The primary role of Mount Tuam Ecological Reserve is to conserve forest ecosystems
representative of the dry subzone of the Coastal Douglas fir biogeoclimatic zone
Overlooking Satellite Channel on the steep and rugged southeastern slopes of Mount Tuam, this 254 hectare ecological reserve protects a large area of representative Gulf Is land’s forest
ecosystems. See the Complete PDF here: mt_tuam_ps

It comprises two parcels of land on Mount Tuam that include part of the rocky shoreline.
Creeks, swamps and waterfalls incise the area of mixed second growth Douglas fir,
arbutus and western redcedar forest.
The pure stands of arbutus found on dry sites around upper elevation bedrock and near the shoreline are probably the best representation of this species in the provincial protected area system. Several plant associations such as thevulnerable Douglas- fir/arbutus and endan
gered Douglas fir/Salal and western redcedar/vanilla leaf associations
, are protected in this ecological reserve.
About 160 species of vascular plants have been identified to date, of which 21 (13%) are rated as rare in the province but common in dry site s of the CDF zone.
Fauna includes a large variety of birds, land mammals such as
black-tailed deer, red squirrel and deer mouse, one species of salamander, two species of frogs
and three species of garter snakes. Insects belonging to 57 families have been identified.
Additional nearbland has been acquired in partnership with the Capital Regional District
(CRD), The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) as an addition to the ecological
reserve, further increasing its representative and conservation values.