Chain Islets Important Bird Area Conservation Plan

Marilyn Lambert and Barry P. Booth did this report in January, 2001 for the IBA Program, an International initiative coordinated by Birdlife International, a partnership of member-based organizations in over 1200 countries seeking to identify and Conserve sites important to all bird species worldwide. See the full 4 page PDF :Chain Islets IBA report 2001

Notes on the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) Andrew A. Bryant Chief Scientist, Marmot Recovery Foundation updated: January 21, 2001 Purpose The purpose of this paper is to serve as a “road-map” to the primary scientific literature concerning Vancouver Island Marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). Contents: Purpose What’s a Vancouver Island marmot? History Prehistoric distribution Historical distribution Current distribution Population trends Habitat characteristics Reproduction

Liumchen ER #143 Map and Management Statement, 2001

This map is derived from the Management Direction Statement of BC Parks Introduction Purpose for the MDS The purpose of this management direction statement (MDS) is to provide management direction for the Liumchen Ecological Reserve. As an important component of the overall protected area system of the Lower Mainland (Figure 1), the upper Liumchen Creek