Clayoquot Region Research and Document Database Part 1
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Clayoquot Region Research and Document Database
IdNum Title Prime Investigator Lead Agency Document Location Format Series Year Notes Keywords
1 An account of our capture and the most remarkable occurrences’: The textual and cultural construction of John Jewitt in his ‘Journal’ and ‘Narrative’ Eustace Sarah Jane University of Victoria academic thesis 1997 MA University of Victoria
2 1994 Spawner Enumeration in the Clayoquot River System Morrell M. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1994 Clayoquot River; salmon spawner enumeration
3 1996 Habitat Restoration Prescription: Kootowis, Lost Shoe, Staghorn Creeks WRP (DRAFT) D.R. Clough Consulting Ltd. WRP Library WRP Library report July 24, 1996
4 1997 Kootowis, Staghorn, Lost Shoe Creeks WRP Instream Monitoring & Winter Planning (FINAL) Interfor report April 1997
5 1997 Level 2 Fish Habitat Restoration Plan: Kootowis, Lost Shoe, Staghorn Creeks WRP (DRAFT) D.R. Clough Consulting Ltd. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report June 10, 1997
6 A Baseline Geomorphological Survey of the Clayoquot and Sydney River Valleys Whitfield D. and S. Carson Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1997 clayoquot river valley; sydney river valley; geomorphology
7 A bibliography of British Columbia ornithology Volume 2 Campbell R.W.; T.D. Hooper; and N.K. Dawe Royal BC Museum bibliography 1988 some listings from geographic index 92E are applicable to the LBMF area birds; ornithology; british columbia
8 A bibliography of Pacific northwest herpetology Campbell R.W.; M. G. Shepard; B.M. Van Der Raay and P.T. Gregory Royal BC Museum bibliography BC Provincial Museum Heritage Record No.14 1982 some listings applicable to the LBMF area herpetology; reptiles; amphibians; british columbia; washington; oregon
9 A brief report describing an examination of the extent of Ambrosia beetle attack in an area of wind thrown trees in the Tofino area of British Columbia Carlson J.A. report 1992 examination of Ambrosia beetle attack in an area of wind felled timber in a cutblock in Clayoquot Sound. Report prepared by Phero Tech Inc. 3 pages.
10 A catalogue of British Columbia seabird colonies Drent R.H. and C.J. Guiguet Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report 1961 seabird colonies;
11 A cultural analysis of faunal remains from three archaeological sites in Hesquiat Harbour B.C. Calvert S.G. University of British Columbia academic thesis 1980 PhD University of British Columbia; lists remains of mammal species found in Hesquiat region; lists 6 marine species and 9 land species found in excavations; map of generalized distribution of mammal habitats; list of bird species found in Hesquiat regio paleozoology; hesquiaht harbour; mammal; bird; fish; invertebrate; shellfish
12 A discussion of the birds of Meares Island Dorst Adrian Friends of Clayoquot Sound unpublished report 1981 list of 48 bird species expected to breed on Meares Island and 16 bird species that may breed there; some natural. history notes birds; meares island
13 A field guide to the ecology of westem forests Kricher J.C. and G. Morrison Houghton Mifflin general book 1993
14 A Field Survey of Water and Sediment Quality at Selected Sites in Pacific Rim National Park Krahn Peter K. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1984
15 A guide to marine coastal plankton and marine invertebrate larvae Smith D.L. Kendall/Hunt Publishing general book 1977
16 A Habitat and Land-Use Assessment of the Tofino Harbourfront H. Paish and Assoc. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; District of Tofino; Tofino Business Assoc. District of Tofino? report 1997
17 A herbarium collection of some macroalgae: Pacific Rim National Park Campbell B. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory 1973 notes on marine invertebrates seen during marine plant collecting near Long Beach Pacific Rim National Park macroalgae; marine invertebrates; Pacific Rim National Park
18 A hiking guide to Pacific Rim Trails LBMF Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library; Raincoast Interpretive Centre guidebook 2000 available from Raincoast Interpretive Centre
19 A model for standardizing dungeness crab (Cancer magister) catch rates among traps which experienced different soak times Smith B.D. and G.S. Jamieson journal article Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol.46:1600-1608 1989 standardizing abundance and size frequency distribution of dungeness crabs within traps which vary in soak time in Clayoquot Sound
20 A new common murre colony in British Columbia Campbell R.W.; J.G. Ward and M.G. Shepard journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.89 (3):244-248 1975 small colony established on Cleland Island 1969-1970; other seabird species on Cleland Island mentioned cleland island; common murre; seabird
21 A photoduplicate file for British Columbia vertebrate records Campbell R.W. and D. Stirling journal article Syesis Vol. 4 (1 and 2):217-222 1971 photographic records of 1 species of whale and 1 species of dolphin beached in Clayoquot Sound; 3 species beached in Pacific Rim National Park; and 1 seal and 1 sea lion record whales; dolphins; beachings; seal; sealion
22 A physical and chemical study of Tofino Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia Coote A.R. Canadian Committee on Oceanography Bedford Institute of Oceanography report BIO 64-10 1964 Responsible: Programmed by the Canadian Committee on Oceanography M; INE; Canada; British Columbia; Vancouver I.; Tofino Inlet; physical oceanography; sea water; water analysis; CTD observations; temperature; salinity; dissolved oxygen; ph; alkalinity; vertical distribution
23 A Political Space: Reading the Global through Clayooquot Sound Magnusson W. and K. Shaw (eds) University of Minnesota Press (pub) UVIC library book and website 2003 (forthcoming)
24 A population and habitat requirements of bald eagles on the west coast of British Columbia Cerenzia R.E. BC Environment (Ministry of), Port Alberni PRNP library unpublished report 1981 reference to Meares Island; survey date: 24 April- 8 May- 1981 Meares Island; bald eagles
25 A Preliminary Gap Analysis of Protected Areas within the Long Beach Model Forest Teversham Jan and Radcliffe Gillian Canadian Forest Service Pacific Forestry Centre report 1995
26 A preliminary survey of larval fish zooplankton and phytoplankton of Pacific Rim National Park Faber D.J. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1972 lists species of phytoplankton collected larval fish; zooplankton; phytoplankton; Pacific Rim National Park
27 A Reconnaissance Survey of Clayoquot Lake Triton Environmental Consultants BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) report 1993 Clayoquot Lake; hydrology; limnology
28 A removal experiment with Octopus dofleini (Wulker) Hartwick E.B.; P.A. Breen and L. Tulloch Simon Fraser University, Dept. Biological Science DFO library journal article J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Vol.35(11):1492-1495 1978 removal of octopus from dens; recolonization of dens and octopus movement into and out of the study site in Clayoquot Sound All Octopus dofleini martini were removed from a study area in Clayoquot Sound, BC, during a 6-wk period, and they and their dens population structure; fishery development; Octopus dofleini; INE, Canada, British Columbia
30 A Report on the Forest Values Questionnaire: Development, Administration, and Evaluation Tindall David and Loraine Lavallee Dept. of Forest Resource Management, UBC report 1999 106 pg report, 116 pgs appendices. Extension of FRBC report, distributed to MOF forest managers and professionals
31 A Restoration Plan for Lot 533 of the Ohiaht Reserve Garden N.; M. Haas; J. Hogan School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1995
32 A restoration strategy for secondary forests of Clayoquot Sound, BC Osbourne Derek Long Beach Model Forest; Faculty of Forestry University of Toronto LBMF library report 2001 available from LBMF
33 A review of salvage practices and the ecological roles of downed wood in Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds Newsom Deanna; Barbara Beasley Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2000 available from LBMF
34 A review of the reptiles and amphibians of British Columbia Cowan I.M. Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report Report of the BC Provincial Museum of Natural History for the Year 1936 1937 29 species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibian listed. specimens of 2 species of amphibians from Tofino reptiles; amphibians; british columbia; tofino
35 A Rich Forest: Traditional Knowledge, Inventory and Restoration of Culturally Important Plants and Habitats in the Atleo River Watershed: Ahousaht Ethnobotany Project 1996 Craig Juliet and Robin Smith Ahousaht First Nation; Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1997 Atleo River; Ethnobotany; Ahousaht First Nation; botany
36 A Study of the Characteristics of Coarse Woody Debris in both an Old Growth and Clear-cut site influenced by Marine Processes Delaplane K. et al. School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1998
37 A survey of geoduck populations in the Elbow Bank and Yellow Bank area of Clayoquot Sound, West Vancouver Island in 1994 and 1995 Hand C.M. and G. Dovey Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station DFO library report Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2479 1999
38 A Survey of Soils and Landforms Phases I and II Pacific Rim National Park Pierce T.W. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1973
39 A survey of the composition and structure of forest ecosystems in the Tofino creek watershed on Vancouver Island Inselberg A.E BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1993 survey of vegetation composition and structure done in June and July 1992
40 A synopsis of the benthic marine algae of British Columbia southeast Alaska Washington and Oregon Scagel R.F. et al University of British Columbia 1989 may contain references to collections in Clayoquot Sound
41 A Vision and Its Context: Global Context to Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound Cortex Consultants Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library;; report 1995
43 Abalone population surveys in the Broken Group Islands Smith Ralph Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station project ongoing (1999) a baseline survey of distribution and population change over time and recovery patterns in the Broken Group Islands abalone; broken group islands;
44 Abalone Studies in Pacific Rim National Park Breen Paul A. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1978
45 Aboriginal People, Aboriginal Rights and Protected Areas: An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Nuu-chah-nulth People and Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Berg L.D. University of Victoria academic thesis 1990 MA University of Victoria, Geography
46 Abundance and behaviour of killer whales in Clayoquot Sound Palm Rod Strawberry Island Research Society project ongoing killer whales; clayoquot sound; behaviour; photo identification
47 Additions to “Vancouver Island’s West Coast 1762-1962”. Nicholson G. PRNP library notes 1971 lists 5 species of shellfish and locations in and around Clayoquot Sound: 9 fish species in the LBMF area and salmon spawning times; 3 species of game birds; 1 species of duck; 3 species of seabirds seen in and around LBMF coastal areas; 7 land mammal spe clayoquot sound; fish; salmon; bird; mammal
48 Administrative Fairness of the process leading to the Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision Office of the Ombudsman WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1993
49 Adult escapements of fall entering chinook and chum salmon Ludeke Wilt Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, South Coast Division ongoing? summary: purpose of the project is to accurately determine the Chinook and Chum salmon escapements; involves radio tagging salmon in estuaries and tracking their movement. Pilot project since 1992; radio tracking since 1993. Megin; Bedwell/Ursus and Upper pacific salmon; chinook salmon; chum salmon; Megin river; Bedwell river; Ursus river; Upper Kennedy River
50 Aerial Atlas: Lower Clayoquot River / Cold Creek NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. Northwest Ecosystem Institute WLAP&SRM Ministry Library atlas 1997
51 Aerial Atlas: Upper Clayoquot River NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. Northwest Ecosystem Institute WLAP&SRM Ministry Library atlas 1997
52 Aerial reconnaissance of a very large fresh-water stone alignment Campbell B. journal article The Midden Vol. 26(3):5-6 1994 preliminary description of aboriginal stone fish weir
53 After Native Claims? The Implications of Comprehensive Claims Settlements for Natural Resources in British Columbia Cassidy Frank and Norman Dale Institute for Research on Public Policy, Halifax, NS. report 1988
54 Age and size in market samples of geoduck clams (Panope generosa) Harbo R.M.; B.E. Adkins; P.A. Breen and K.L. Hobbs Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station DFO library report Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1714 1983 Eight lots of geoducs harvested by the commercial fishery were sampled at processing plants. Each individual was measured in shell length, shell weight, and total wet weight. The heaviest individual measured was 2198 g. Shells were collected and later age Panope generosa; size distribution; age composition; length-weight relationships; growth; biological sampling; mortality
58 Ahousaht First Nation Community GIS Frank Roman et al Ahousaht First Nation Ahousaht Band Office GIS ongoing
60 Ahousaht Wild Side Heritage Trail Guidebook Sam Stanley Western Canada Wilderness Committee LBMF library; WCWC guidebook 1997 available from WCWC
61 Ahousaht Wild Side Trail Survey Options Report Foy Joe MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1996
62 Alberni Prehistory: Archaeological and Ethnographic Investigations on Western Vancouver Island McMillan A.D. and D.E. St. Claire Alberni Valley Museum and Theytus Books Alberni Valley Museum giftshop book 1982 available from AVM giftshop
63 Alberni-Clayoquot Forest Sector Economic Development Planning Study G.E. Bridges and Associates Inc. Alberni-Clayoquot Economic Development Commission report
64 Algae collection sites in Clayoquot Sound from the University of British Columbia herbarium Widdowson T.B. University of British Columbia herbarium UBC herbarium? unpublished data 1990 14 sites in Clayoquot Sound where algae collected; species list available
65 Alpine plants of phytogeographic interest on northwestern Vancouver Island Ogilvie R. and A. Ceska journal article Can. J. Botany Vol.62 (1l):2356-2362 1984 44 alpine plant species reported for 7 mountain peaks on northwestern Vancouver Island
66 Amphibians and reptiles of B.C.: An ecological review Orchard S.A. BC Forests (Ministry of) Research Branch report 1984 discusses biology of amphibians and reptiles in British Columbia; 19 species of amphibians and. 16 species of reptiles described including ranges and life cycles Amphibians; reptiles; british columbia
67 An Analysis of the Forest Industry Employment Situation in Port Alberni Wood Robert S. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1991
68 An Analysis of the Jobs Issues Associated with the April 13, 1993 Clayoquot Decision of the Province of British Columbia Travers O.R. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
69 An Analysis of the Landslides Which Occurred Durning Heavy Rainstorms in Clayoquot Sound in mid-January 1996 MacKenzie Ian MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1996
70 An annotated systematic list of potentially rare and endangered freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates in British Columbia Scudder G.G.E. report Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia Occasional Paper: 1-92 1994 annotated systematic list of the endemic and potentially rare and endangered freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates in British Columbia
72 An archaeological reconnaissance of Clayoquot Lake Peninsula DhSj-5 Clayoquot Lake Mason A. and G. Beattie BC Archaeology Branch report 1994 archaeological assessment of DhSj-S; presence of archaeological deposits were confirmed
75 An area management plan for the Broken Group Islands, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (British Columbia) Cochlin Therese A. University of Calgary academic thesis 1993 MED University of Calgary
77 An assessment of the amount and characteristics of coarse woody debris in temperate old growth rainforests of Clayoquot Sound, BC Van Allen K.E. Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2001 available from LBMF
78 An Assessment of the Vertebrate Ecology of the Tofino Creek Watershed Manning E.T. BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1992 Tofino Creek; vertebrate ecology
83 An atlas of the amphibians and reptiles of British Columbia Orchard S.A. Royal BC Museum atlas Royal BC Museum Memoir Series 1991
84 An Ethnobotanical Study at Clayoquot Lake Solid L. Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives student paper 1995 clayoquot lake; ethnobotany
85 An evaluation of the current minimum legal size limit for the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister Dana) fishery near Tofino, British Columbia Smith B.D. University of British Columbia academic thesis 1988 PhD University of British Columbia Canada; British Columbia; Size-limit regulations; Fishery regulations; Crustacean fisheries
86 An experimental study of competition for food between sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and the threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a British Columbia coastal lake O’Neill S.M. and K.D. Hyatt Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station DFO library conference proceedings Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Population Biology and Future Management : Proceedings of the International Sockeye Salmon Symposium – Sockeye ’85, Nanaimo,BC 1987 Evidence supporting the hypothesis that competitive interactions occur between juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka ) and limnetic sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus ) in oligotrophic lakes was obtained by manipulating abundance, size and species kennedy lake; sockeye salmon; threespine stickleback; intraspecific competition, juveniles, Oncorhynchus nerka, asterosteus aculeatus, food availability, zooplankton, oligotrophic lakes, enclosures, fishery biology, Canada, British Columbia
87 An experimental trap fishery operation for octopuses Hartwick B. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Biological Sciences report 1982 The study involves an experimental trap fishery operation for octopuses on the west coast. The objective was to coordinate an experimental trap fishing and tagging study of octopuses in relation to established study sites in Clayoquot Sound, B.C., to eval cephalopod fisheries; catching methods; trap fishing; commercial fisheries; experimental fishing; research programmes
88 An exploratory investigation of Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) spatial foraging strategy and the effect of vessel traffic Garner Steven Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria University of Victoria academic thesis 1994 MSc University of Victoria
89 An Implementation Analysis of the Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Recommendations on First Nations Perspectives Spiro Holly University of British Columbia academic thesis 2003 (in progress) University of British Columbia
90 An Independent Environmental Assessment of Active and Recent Cutblocks in Clayoquot Sound and the Port Alberni Forest District Sierra Club of Western Canada Sierra Club of Western Canada MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
91 An Inventory of Sediment Sources in the Basins of Escalante & Cypre Rivers & Tranquil Creek (FINAL) Burns T. and D. Burt & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo inventory
92 An inventory of watersheds in the coastal temperate forests of British Columbia Moore K. Earthlife Canada Foundation and Ecotrust inventory 1991 distribution of pristine. and modified primary watersheds; includes classification of Sydney Megin Moyeha Bulson Creek Tsusiat Herbert and Shelter watersheds
93 An investigation of cadmium enrichments in the sediments of Ucluelet Inlet, BC Pedersen T.F. and R.D. Waters Environmental Protection Service DFO library report 1987
94 An Observational Study of Black Bears on Jenny’s Beach in Shelter Inlet Clayoquot Sound Oldershaw K. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1995 black bears; shelter inlet; jenny’s beach
95 An Overview Assessment of the Fish & Riparian Habitat, Hydrology & Sediment Sources of the Cypre River (FINAL) J. Taylor; K. Eakins; R. MacDonald and C. Carmack BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report September 29, 1996
96 Analysis of Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy, an Overview with Emphasis on Timber and Natural Ecosystems Sierra Club of Western Canada Sierra Club of Western Canada MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1992
97 Analysis of use by waterfowl of tideflats in southern Clayoquot Sound British Columbia Hatler D.F. Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1973 lists 12 species of diving ducks and 33 other bird species found in area; discussion of possible reasons for change in bird numbers in Grice Bay birds; grice bay; waterfowl
98 Ancient rainforests at risk: final report of the Vancouver Island Mapping project Egan B. and C. Young Sierra Club of Western Canada report 1993 examination and comparison of forest condition in 1954 and 1990; includes set of GIS inventory maps
99 Annual Report Summary: Salmonid Enhancement Program DFO library annual report 1983 includes Kennedy Lake fertilization program; lists juveniles released and expected adult production
100 Application for Ecological Reserve: Hesquiaht Lake. B.C. Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 358 Ogilvie R.; A. Ceska; 0. Ceska and H. Roemer BC Parks (Ministry of) report Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 358 1982 list of plant communities and species in proposed reserve
101 Application for Ecological Reserve: Hot Springs Marine Receiving Area Openit Peninsula B.C. Ellis D.V. and D.J. Steele BC Parks (Ministry of) report Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 174 1974 describes algae in the Hot Springs area
102 Application for Ecological Reserve: Megin River. B.C. Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 239 Pojar J. and H.L. Roemer BC Parks (Ministry of) report Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 239 1975 lists 66 species trees shrubs herbs and mosses in area proposed as reserve; 3 species considered threatened or rare
103 Application for Ecological Reserve: Rae Basin Hesquiat Harbour, Vancouver Island Szczawinsld A.F. BC Parks (Ministry of) report Ecological Reserves Program Report No. 61 1970 3 plant communities; 65 species of trees shrubs and herbs found on rock cliffs and marine terraces
104 Applied Tourism Marketing Program : forest recreation marketing and planning Hanley Associates Alberni Clayoquot Economic Development Commission Ministry of Forests Library report 1999
105 Applying sustainable development to resource assessment and environmental planning: meaning, method and application Harte Michael James University of Victoria academic thesis 1994 PhD University of Victoria, Geography
106 Aquarian transitions: Technological change, environmental uncertainty, and salmon production on North America’s Pacific Coast (Alaska, British Columbia, Washington) Kelso Dennis University of California, Berkeley academic thesis 2000 PhD University of California, Berkeley
107 Archaelogical Inventory of Clayoquot Sound Mason Andrew BC Aboriginal Affairs (Ministry of) inventory locations: flores island; herbert inlet; hotsprings cove to hesquiat harbour; sydney river watershed unit; catface-herbert watershed unity bedwell-warn-fortune watershed unit archaeology; culturally modified trees; flores island; herbert inlet; hotsprings cove to hesquiat harbour; sydney river watershed unit; catface-herbert watershed unity bedwell-warn-fortune watershed unit
108 Archaeological evidence for aboriginal tuna fishing on western Vancouver Island McMillan A.D. journal article Syesis Vol. 12:117-119 1979 tuna remains found at 3 sites; Yuquot Hesquiat Harbour and Shoemaker Bay; 3 species of tuna discussed yuquot; hesquiaht harbour; shoemaker bay; paleozoology; archaelogy; tuna fishing
109 Archaeological Investigations at Little Beach Site, Ucluelet, BC Interm Report Arcas Consulting Archeologists Ltd. Archaeology Branch report 1991
110 Area by Area Inventory of Features and Resources Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library inventory 1992
111 As Far As I Know: Reminiscences of an Ahousaht Elder Webster Peter S. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library book 1983
112 Aspects of foraging in black oystercatchers Groves S. University of British Columbia academic thesis 1982 PhD University of British Columbia; Cleland Island study site black oystercatchers; cleland island
113 Aspects of the behaviour and ecology of Vancouver Island gray whales (Eschrichtius glaucus) Darling J.D. University of Victoria; PRNP library academic thesis 1977 MSc University of Victoria, Biology; intensive study of migrating and resident gray whales in the Pacific Rim National Park and Clayoquot Sound regions gray whale; Eschrichtius glaucus; behaviour; ecology
114 Assessing community capacity for ecosystem management :Clayoquot Sound and Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserves Mendis Sharmalene University of Saskatoon academic thesis 2003 (in progress) MA University of Saskatoon Geography
115 Assessing landscape connectivity in the Kennedy Flats Fall Andrew and Barbara Beasley Long Beach Model Forest; Habitat Conservation Trust Fund LBMF library report 2002 available from LBMF
116 Assessment of 1979 herring spawnings in the Meares Island Section of Clayoquot Sound British Columbia Haegele C.W. and D.C. Miller. Fisheries and Marine Service DFO library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1547 1979 dive survey of herring spawn; most in eel grass beds. herring; spawning survey; meares island
117 Assessment of recreation potential of the Tofino – Ucluelet Area Podmore D.G. and M. E. Goddard BC Parks (Ministry of) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1960 34 pg. Report
118 Assessment of the potential threat posed by escaped farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on British Columbia’s indigenous salmonid stocks and the economic feasibility of the use of all-female triploid Atlantic salmon Oakes Janice Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1996 MSc Simon Fraser University
119 Assessment, Monitoring, and Management Options for the Cow Bay Coastal Forest Campsite and Surrounding Areas- Flores Island Carter V.; A. Jackon; K. Jamerson School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
120 Assessments of Developed Watersheds in Clayoquot Sound Chapman Allan and Tony Cheong BC Forests (Ministry of) Vancouver Forest Region, Research Section report 1995
121 At-Sea Biology of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Barkley Sound, British Columbia Carter Harry R. University of Manitoba; PRNP library academic thesis 1984 MA thesis, University of Manitoba, Zoology?
122 At-sea population size and distribution of marbled murrelets in Clayoquot Sound British Columbia: 1992 versus 1982. Kelson J.; I. Manley and H. Carter 1992 intensive at-sea surveys repeated in 1992 and compared to 1982 data; significant decline in marbled murrelet population from 1982 – 1992 marbled murrelet; clayoquot sound
123 Authoring the tourism landscape of Clayoquot Sound (Vancouver Island, British Columbia) White Brian P. Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1999 PhD Simon Fraser University
124 Avian fauna from the Yuquot excavation McAllister N.M. Parks Canada book chapter? The Yuquot Project: Volume 2. History and Archaeology 43 1980 remains of approximately 51 bird species found in excavation
125 B.C. Coastal Communities Mission to Juneau Alaska – Report of the Coastal Community Participants to the Honourable David Zirnhelt (Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food) on the Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) Program WCSA West Coast Sustainability Association report 1995
126 B.C. Range extensions: British Columbia distribution data from the herpetology collection of the National Museums of Canada. Schueler F.W.;.F.R. Cook and D.H. Rivard 1980 lists 13 species of reptiles and 20 species of amphibians found in British Columbia; 1 species of amphibian found near Tofino reptiles; amphibians; tofino; british columbia
127 Background Study on the Mining Sector: Sustainable Development Strategy for Clayoquot Sound Carter N.C. Pacific Rim National Park WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1991
128 Backgrounder: MB’s 1994 Environmental Report and the Greenpeace Criticism MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1995
129 Bald Eagle Nest Inventory in Clayoquot Sound Chatwin Trudy BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library inventory bald eagle; inventory; Clayoquot Sound
130 Bald eagle nesting relative to forestry operations on MacMillan Bloedel forest lands Oneil E. University of British Columbia academic thesis 1989 BSF University of British Columbia; survey to determine locations and productivity of nesting bald eagles; some information on distance to and impact of forestry practices; recommendations; bald eagle
131 Bald eagle preys on arctic loon Hatler D.F. journal article? The Auk Vol. .91 (4):825-826 1973 observation near Vargas Island bald eagle;artic loon; vargas island
132 Baseline Thematic Map of Long Beach Model Forest Area 1:150000 map Trofymow Tony Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre Pacific Forestry Centre map 1994
133 Basketry and Cordage from Hesquiat Harbour Bernick K. Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum book 1998
134 Bats of British Columbia Nagorsen D.W. and R.M. Brigham University of British Columbia Press book 1993
135 Benthic impacts of salmon farming in British Columbia. Volume 1: Summary report Cross S.F. BC Environment (Ministry of); Aquametrix Research Ltd. WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1990 sampling at eight farm sites (includes Ross Pass and Bottom. Point in Clayoquot Sound) to acquire information on physical oceanographic processes waste materials lost from net pens water quality bottom sediments and impacts of waste materials on epibenth
136 Benthic marine algal survey of Pacific Rim National Park Lee R.K.S. and A.L. Sutherland Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished report 1972 checklist of some marine plant species collected in Long Beach Unit of Pacific Rim National Park Benthic marine algae: Pacific Rim National Park
137 Berryman Climate Inventory Report 2000 Collyer Michael; J. McGarvie; R. Scott Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002
138 Biogeoclimatic units of central and southern Vancouver Island Klinka K.; F.C. Nuszdorfer and L. Skoda BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1979 description of bio eoclimatic classification of.ecosystems includes LMBP area; mentions climatic characteristics; includes map
139 Biogeoclimatic units of the Vancouver forest region Nuszdorfer F.C. et al map 1991 map
140 Biogeoclimatic Zones of British Columbia BC Forests (Ministry of) Research Branch Ministry of Forests library map 1988 vegetation zones mean temperature mean precipitation dominant.soils average frost free period forest productivity physiographic regions shown on map
141 Biosphere Reserves: Innovations for Cooperation in the Search for Sustainable Development Francis George journal article Environments 17 (3): 23-36 1985
142 Bird populations of estuaries on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island Vermeer K.; K.H. Morgan; A. Dorst and B. Whittington Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service 1992 species composition and population of water birds were investigated in 8 estuaries; 5 in LBMF area waterfowl
143 Birds and disturbed forest succession after logging in Pacific Rim National Park Vancouver Island B. C. and a contribution towards the develpment of an interpretive plan for logged areas Roe N.A. University of Calgary; PRNP library academic thesis 1974 MSc University of Calgary; lists plant and bird species in study sites of 5 different stages of forest succession, M.Sc. University of Calgary
144 Birds of Pacific Rim National Park Hatler D.F.; R.W. Campbell and A. Dorst Royal BC Museum; Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report BC Provincial Museum Occasional Paper No. 20 1978 lists 247 bird species known – or strongly suspected to. occur in Pacific Rim National Park birds; pacific rim national park
145 Birds of Pacific Rim National Park Hatler D.F.; R.W. Campbell and A. Dorst Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service PRNP library unpublished report 1973 list of 141 bird.s ecies found or suspected in Pacific Rim National Park area and their status birds; pacific rim national park
146 Black bear inventory Clayoquot Sound, BC, volume 2: population inventory MacHutchon Grant BC Water, Land and Air Protection (Ministry of) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 2001
147 Block Planting Trials Dunsworth Glen MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Opening Road: BM 73, Pcode: 0037, Status: 3, Subdivision: Barclay
149 Block Planting Trials Dunsworth Glen MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Opening Road: SR 80, Pcode: 0037, Status: 3, Subdivision: Sand River
150 Block Planting Trials Dunsworth Glen MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 23-May-90 Opening Road: DBM 434 Deer Bay Main, Pcode: 0037, Status: 3, Subdivision: Tofino Creek
151 Block Planting Trials Dunsworth Glen MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Opening Road: Kennedy River Rd 99, Pcode: 0037, Status; 3, Subdivision: Kennedy River
153 Borrow Pit #2, Upper Taylor River As-Built Construction Report, 1999 MC Wright and Associates MC Wright and Assoc. report Jan 1999
154 Breeding biology of twinning experiments of rhinoceros auklets on Cleland Island British Columbia Summers K.R. and R.H. Drent journal article Murrelet Vol.60 (l):16-22 1979 rhinoceros auklets; cleland island
155 Breeding Songbirds and Woodpeckers in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia Bryant Andrew Albert WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1997
157 British Columbia catch statistics for other fish Area 24 1987 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans statistics 1987 18 species landed in Clayoquot Sound in 1987 fish; clayoquot sound
158 British Columbia catch statistics for other fish Area 24 1988 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans statistics 1988 20 fish species and 2 species of roe landed in Clayoquot Sound in 1988 fish; clayoquot sound
159 British Columbia Catch Statistics for Salmon Pieces Area 24 1988 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans statistics 1988 5 species of salmon 1 species of trout landed in Clayoquot Sound in 1988 fish; salmon; clayoquot sound
160 British Columbia catch statistics for salmon species Area 24 1987 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans statistics 1987 5 species of salmon 1 species of trout landed in Clayoquot Sound in 1987 fish; salmon; trout; clayoquot sound
161 British Columbia catch statistics for shellfish Area 24 1987 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans unpublished data 1988 14 types of shellfish landed in Clayoquot Sound; lists collection techniques
162 British Columbia catch statistics for shellfish Area 24 1988 Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans unpublished data 1989 14 types of shellfish landed in Clayoquot Sound; lists collection techniques
163 British Columbia Ecological Reserves Program. Megin River. Ecological Reserve #105 BC Parks (Ministry of) Ecological Reserves Program 1987 gives biotic features of reserve including 17 species of plants and trees
164 British Columbia Provincial Museum marine invertebrate collection data Royal BC Museum unpublished data u/k marine invertebrate lists from collections made in Clayoquot Sound 1925-1980; most give species names
165 Building Our Future x Community Vision Workshops Greer Patricia J. Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1996 ucluelet; community development
166 Cabin Creek Restoration Plans (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report November 1996
167 Canadian Hydrographic Service Final field report 1986: Clayoquot Sound Crowley J.V. Canadian Hydrographic Service report 1986
168 Canadian Hydrographic Service Final field report 1987: Clayoquot Sound Crowley J.V. Canadian Hydrographic Service report 1987
169 Canadian Monthly Climate Data and 1961 – 1990 Normals Atmospheric Environment Service CD ROM 1994 climate; weather
170 Carry Tiger to Mountain Zuehlke Mark Dundurn Press general fiction 2002 fiction set in Clayoquot Sound
171 Catalogue of Major Salmon-Producing Rivers of Clayoquot Sound 1953-1994 Morrell M. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1995 Clayoquot Sound; pacific salmon; spawning rivers
172 Catalogue of salmon streams and spawning escapements of statistical area 24 (Clayoquot Sound) Brown R.F.; M.J. Comfort; D. E. Marshall Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans WLAP&SRM Ministry library; DFO library report Fish. and Mar. Service Data Report No. 80 1979 catalogue of stream location spawning distribution barriers and points of difficult ascent escapement records and general data
173 Catalogue of the Crustacea in the Provincial Museum Newcombe C.F. inventory Natural History Society of British Columbia Bulletin 1893 selected crab species of British Columbia; some species from Barkley and Clayoquot Sound
174 CBP 1993 Wildlife Sightings Survey Program Biswas Kumar Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives report 1993 results of CBP 1993 Wildlife Sighting Survey program; 9 mammal species recorded; six gill shark recorded zoology; natural history; clayoquot sound
175 Cedar Bark and Sea: A glance through Tofino-Ucluelet and surrounding area various Ucluelet Recreation Commission PRNP library; VIRL? book n.d.
176 Cellophane Man Levinson Clive Outback Press general fiction 2002 fiction set in Clayoquot Sound during logging protests
179 Chapter 6: Vegetation. (Hesquiaht Harbour) Harcombe A.P. unpublished report 1983 description of herbs shrubs mosses trees and some marine plants of the Hesquiat Harbour area.
180 Check list of the amphibians and reptiles of Canada and Alaska Logier E.B.S. and G.C. Toner Royal Ontario Museum Toronto, Life Sciences Division report Contribution No.53:1-92 1961 specimens of 4 species of amphibians and 2 species of reptiles from Tofino amphibians; reptiles; canada; alaska; tofino
181 Checklist of British Columbia birds. Campbell R.W. 1984 439 species of birds known to have occurred in British Columbia; also’lists those known to breed in British Columbia (to 1984) birds; british columbia
183 Checklist of Vascular Plants of Pacific Rim National Park Anonymous Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory 1969 Vascular Plants; Pacific Rim National Park
184 Chick growth sibling rivalry and chick production in American black oystercatchers Groves S. journal article Auk Vol.101 (3) 1984
185 Clam survey, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia – 1980 Bourne, N.; Farlinger S. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station DFO library report Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1634 1980 Results of a survey for clam resources on two beaches, whiskey
Jenny and Atleo River, in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia are
described. Of three species of commercial interest, littleneck
clams, Protothaca staminea , occurred in greatest fishery surveys; clam fisheries; commercial species; Protothaca
staminea; Saxidomus giganteus; Tapes philippinarum; biomass;
population characteristics; potential yield; INE, Canada, British
Columbia, Clayoquot Sound
186 Clayoquot & dissent: essays by Tzeporah Berman, Gordon Brent Ingram, Maurice Gibbons, Ronald B. Hatch, Loys Maingonhere, Christopher Hatch Hatch Ronald (ed) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library book 1994
187 Clayoquot Band Relocation and Land Exchange Study Peat, Marwick & partners Tla-o-qui-aht band council PRNP library unpublished report 1974 Unpublished report prepared for the Tla-o-qui-aht band council.
188 Clayoquot Compromise: Making It Work MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. WLAP&SRM Ministry Library video 1993
189 Clayoquot Documents (vol.1). Prepared for the Politics of Clayoquot Sound Workshop Magnusson W. and K. Shaw Dept. of Political Science, UVIC LBMF library collection 1997 politics; clayoquot sound
190 Clayoquot Lake and Upper Clayoquot River Spawner Enumeration – 24-27 November 1993 Morrell M. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1993 spawner enumeration in Clayoquot Lake and the upper Clayoquot River for sockeye and coho salmon Clayoquot River valley; salmon spawner enumeration; sockeye salmon; coho salmon
191 Clayoquot Lake camp DhSj-5. Archaeological Site Inventory Form Campbell B. inventory form 1993 preliminary description of potential aboriginal camp site on Clayoquot Lake
192 Clayoquot Lake CMT-1 DhSj-6. Archaeological Site Inventory Form Campbell B. inventory form 1993 identification and description of 24 western red cedar CMTs
194 Clayoquot Landscape Inventory. Phase 1: Methodology Development and Initial Inventory Juan de Fuca Environmental Consultants MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1994
195 Clayoquot Mass Trials: Defending the Rainforest Macisaac Ron Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1994
196 Clayoquot Region Silbum G. Department of Lands and Forests B.C. Forest Service report BC Forest Service Forest Resources Bulletin No. 1 1948 discusses Clayoquot Region in terms of harvestable timber; mentions. species of accessible trees; discusses tree diseases
197 Clayoquot River forestry road archaeological impact assessement Eldridge M. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 1993 archeological impact assessment of proposed MB Clayoquot River road; no archeological sites other than CMTs found
198 Clayoquot River stream inventory Ford B.S. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) report 1993 inventory of fish species in the Clayoquot River; 6 species discussed fish; clayoquot river
200 Clayoquot River terrain mapping and evaluation of geomorphic disturbances Waddington B. BC Forest Service unpublished report 1994 mapping and geomorphic analysis of the Clayoquot River. Unpublished report
201 Clayoquot River Tributary Survey Hoogenboom A. and L. Schroeder Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1994 1 amphibian species collected and life history described; 4 fish species collected; habitat requirements and life histories described; 20 freshwater invertebrate species were collected representing 18 families from 8 orders Clayoquot River Valley; amphibian; invertebrate; fish; natural history
202 Clayoquot Sound Amphibian Inventory Beasley Barbara and E. Wind Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library journal article Canadian Assoc. of Herpetologists Bulletin 12 (1):13-15 1998
203 Clayoquot Sound Amphibian Inventory Beasley Barbara; Chris Addison; Karen Lucas Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2000 available from LBMF
204 Clayoquot Sound Amphibian Inventory 1997 Wind Elke; Barbara Beasley; Deanna Newsom Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1998 clayoquot sound; amphibian
205 Clayoquot Sound and the Land Question: a Native Elder’s View Thompson Archie Tootsh MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1993
206 Clayoquot Sound Biological Diversity Study Literature Review Darling J.D. and K. Keogh Clayoquot Biosphere Project WLAP&SRM Ministry Library bibliography 1990 Clayoquot Sound; Science; Research
207 Clayoquot Sound Black Bear Inventory MacHutchon Grant and Stephan Ross BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) inventory black bear; clayoquot sound
208 Clayoquot Sound Coho (Kootowis Creek) WCSA, FRBC/WRP and International Forest Products Ltd. check with Lead Agency project 1998 FsRBC/RAMS
209 Clayoquot Sound Fish Inventory Murdoch Scott BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) inventory to provide information about fish distribution and the condition and capability of fish habitat in 20 major watersheds in Clayoquot Sound fish; inventory; habitat; clayoquot sound
210 Clayoquot Sound Indian Land Use Bouchard Randy and Dorothy Kennedy MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.; Fletcher Challenge; BC Forests (Ministry of) MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forest Library report 1990 clayoquot sound; first nations; traditional territory
211 Clayoquot Sound Information Sheet Sierra Club of Western Canada Sierra Club of Western Canada MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1993
213 Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision: Background Report British Columbia British Columbia (Gov’t of) MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1993
214 Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision: Key Elements British Columbia MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
215 Clayoquot Sound Land-Use Decision Update British Columbia MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
216 Clayoquot Sound Land-Use Decision Update/ April 1994 British Columbia MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
217 Clayoquot Sound Land-Use Decision Update/ January 1994 British Columbia MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
219 Clayoquot Sound Land-Use Decision: Government of British Columbia Response to the CORE Report and Recommendations British Columbia MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
220 Clayoquot Sound Marbled Murrelet Census and Habitat Analysis Burger Alan BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Biology department; University of Victoria clayoquot sound; ursus valley; marbled murrelet
221 Clayoquot Sound Marbled Murrelet Inventory for 1996 Burger Alan; Barbara Beasley; Trudy Chatwin WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1996
222 Clayoquot Sound Scenic Corridors Advisory Group Maps Clayoquot Sound Scenic Corridors Advisory Group MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library
223 Clayoquot Sound Scenic Corridors Landscape Management Plan Clayoquot Sound Scenic Corridors Advisory Group MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1995
224 Clayoquot Sound Science Symposium: Ecosytems in Clayoquot Sound Research Challenges (1995) Clayoquot Biosphere Project; Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library 1995
225 Clayoquot Sound Science Symposium: Research and Communities in Clayoquot Sound (1996) Clayoquot Biosphere Project; Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library 1996
226 Clayoquot Sound Science Symposium: Research and Local Knowledge in the Planning Process (1997) Clayoquot Biosphere Project; Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library 1997
227 Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy: first draft of the strategy document Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee WLAP&SRM Ministry Library draft report 1992
228 Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy: second draft of the strategy document Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee WLAP&SRM Ministry Library draft report 1992
229 Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Task Force: report to the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Regional and Economic Development, January 31, 1991 Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Task Force WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1991
231 Clayoquot Sound Update Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Task Force WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1990
232 Clayoquot Sound: A Balanced Decision, a Sustainable Future. A Report from the British Columbia Government British Columbia British Columbia (Gov’t of) MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
235 Clayoquot Sound: An Introduction to Natural History Observations Bonell J. A. Dhanwat and B. Penn. Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives student paper 1993 natural history;
236 Clayoquot Sound: backgrounder MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1993
237 Clayoquot Sound: Implementation of Science Panel Report BC Forests (Ministry of) MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report
238 Clayoquot Sound: life support services and natural diversity Radcliffe G. Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee DFO library report 1991 Clayoquot Sound; ecology; biology
239 Clayoquot Valley Natural History Program Darling J.D. Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives 1997 summary:collection of year round natural history observations; measurement of environmental events including rainfall ambient temperature global radiation humidity water temperature and lake level rise and fall biology; natural history; clayoquot river valley
240 Clayoquot Valley Witness Trail Map and Recreation Guide: Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Territory Western Canada Wilderness Committee Western Canada Wilderness Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library
241 Clayoquot Watershed Landslide Inventory Friz P. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1996 Clayoquot River valley; landslide
242 Clayoquot Watershed wildlife report Moir B.C. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Forestry Division unpublished report 1977 clayoquot river watershed;
243 Clayoquot: On the Wild Side Dorst Adrian; Cameron Young Western Canada Wilderness Committee WLAP&SRM Ministry Library book 1990 photographs of Clayoquot Sound
244 Cleland Island Ecological Reserve. Unpublished report George R. and D. Clark BC Parks (Ministry of) Ecological Reserves Program unpublished report 1976 describes climate geography soil and vegetation communities on island
245 Cleland Island; a special place specially protected Ross M. Canadian Geographic magazine magazine article Can. Geographic June/July 1985:50-57 1985 mentions 3 species of shrubs on Cleland Island
246 Clouded salamander survey Jaremovic R.V. 1977 clouded salamander; cleland island
247 Coastal Forest Campsite Impact Assessment: Telegraph Beach, Flores Is. Abramo C.; M. Moriarty; R. Peterson; C. Wheeler School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
248 Coastal marine zooplankton: a practical manual for students Todd C.S. and Laverack M.S. Cambridge University Press book 1991
250 Coastal Resource Interests Study: Finfish aquaculture opportunities Nootka Sound – Tofino BC Ministry of Crown Lands poster 1989 map showing finfish aquaculture opportunities in Clayoquot Sound finfish aquaculture; nootka sound; clayoquot sound
251 Coastal Sand Dune Ecological and Structural Impact Assessment on the Wild Side Heritage Trail – Flores Island Miller A.; E. Richardson; C. Smith School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
252 Coastal temperate rain forests: ecological characteristics status and distribution worldwide Kellogg E. (ed.) Ecotrust report Occasional paper series No. 1 1992 includes brief ecological description and overview of protected status of temperate rain forests in British Columbia
253 Coastal waterfowl and habitat inventory program Hunter R.A. and L.E. Jones BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) 1982 evaluates the importance of estuaries on Vancouver Island; some estuaries in the LBMF area are considered important in this regard waterfowl; habitat inventory
254 Collections of marine invertebrates in Clayoquot Sound Vancouver Public Aquarium Vancouver Public Aquarium 1990
255 Collective action in the rainforest: Personal networks, collective identity and participation in the Vancouver Island wilderness protection movement Tindall David University of Toronto academic thesis 1994 PhD sociology and environmental science University of Toronto
256 Co-management and Methods for Interaction between Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Parks Canada Owen S.; D. Hayhurst School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
257 Community Sustainability and Forest Resource Use: Discussions with Community Leaders in the Alberni Clayoquot and the Cowichan Valley Regional Districts Maki T.J.; G.R. Walter; S. Hutcheson UVIC Centre For Sustainable Regional Development WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report Sustainable Communities Initiative Working Paper #9 1993
258 Complexities of Planning for Sustainable Development in British Columbia, case study: Clayoquot Cleere Brendan MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1991
259 Composition structure and understory species relationships in permanent plots in Clayoquot Valley Pearson Audrey BC Forests (Ministry of) 1994 clayoquot river valley; botany; temperate rainforest
260 Conceptual and analytical modelling for sustainabilty: an overview paper for the Long Beach Model Forest Wright Pam Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2001 available from LBMF
261 Condition assessment of the Kennedy-Muriel watershed (conducted by Kennedy Restoration Group under the BC Watershed Restoration Program) Johannes Mark KRAB (Kennedy-Muriel Restoration Advisory Board) summary: phase 1 of a multiphase study to assess salmonid habitat in the Kennedy Lake watershed prescribe and implement habitat restoration measures and evaluate effects kennedy watershed; muriel watershed; salmon habitat assessment; salmon habitat restoration
262 Consensus based decision-making: The Clayoquot Sound Steering Committee process (British Columbia) Macqueen Diane Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1996 MRM Simon Fraser University, Resource Management
263 Consolidation of fisheries resource information, west coast Vancouver Island: Clayoquot Sound and Long Beach Lightly M. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans DFO library report Can. Tech. Rep. Of Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2121 1996
264 Contribution of the Forest Industry to the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional Economy H.A. Simons Ltd. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1990
265 Contribution of Tourism to the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional Economy: Final Report Novacorp Consulting Inc. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1990
266 Contributions to Clayoquot ethnology Koppert Vincent Aloysius Catholic University of America academic thesis 1930 PhD Catholic University of America (not available from UMI)
267 Coordination of monitoring indicator/research list Shaw Derek Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library research inventory 2002
268 Coordination of monitoring: network and partnership building for the purpose of monitoring for sustainable forest management Shaw Derek Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002 available from LBMF
269 Corporate responses to government and environmental group action designed to protect the environment Raizada Rachana University of British Columbia academic thesis 1998 PhD University of British Columbia
270 Cost Benefit Analysis of the Henderson Lake Hatchery Webber Marian School for Field Studies-Centre for Coastal Studies salmon hatchery; henderson lake
271 Cougar Annie’s Garden Horsfield Margaret Salal Books Nanaimo general book 1999 recent history of Hesquiat Harbour pioneer
272 Criteria and Indicators briefing paper. Background report for North Coast LRMP Beasley Barbara and Pam Wright Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2001 available from LBMF
273 Croft Creek Summit Power Corp. check with Lead Agency project 1998 DFO, Hupacasath First Nation, M.C. Wright and Associates joint project
274 Cross reference of plants identified in Clayoquot Valley 1992-1994 with traditional use plants of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth people Cleland J. Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives report 1994 summary of plants species identified to date in the Clayoquot Valley 54 spexies and 1 1 plants identified to genus have traditional use to the Nuu-Chah-Nulth
276 Cultural Heritage Background Study: Clayoquot Sound Wilson I.R. Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1991
277 Cypre Hydometric and Climate Inventory Report 2000 Collyer Michael; J. McGarvie; R. Scott; G. Clark; B. Richards Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002
278 Cypre River Side Channel NTC Central Region Fisheries Office; Ahousaht First Nation and MacMillan Bloedel check with Lead Agency project 1998 FRBC/RAMS
279 Cypre River Training Program Renewal Investment Corporation check with Lead Agency project 1998 FRBC/RAMS
280 Damning development: The rise of the ‘new grassroots’ in the Clayoquot Sound and the Narmada Valley (British Columbia, India) Bose Pablo Shiladitya Simon Fraser University academic thesis 2000 MA Simon Fraser University
281 Daphne Gibson’s scrapbooks: Volume 1-3 Gibson Daphne PRNP library clipping file various
283 Deer movements and habitat use during winter: working plan Nyberg J.B.; D. Doyle and L. Peterson BC Forests (Ministry of); BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) working plan 1985 examine relative importance of snow and food for winter habitat in the Nanaimo River watershed and possibilities for creating deer winter ranges with young-stand management nanaimo river watershed; black-tailed deer
284 Den utilization and the movements of tagged Octopus dofieini Hartwick E.B.; R.F. Ambrose and S.M.C. Robinson journal article Mar. Behav. Physiol. Vol. 10 :1 – 16 1983 movements of octopus at study sites near Vargas Island and MacIntosh.Rock Clayoquot Sound
285 Developing a Transportation Management Plan for Tourism in Clayoquot Sound Webber Marian School for Field Studies-Centre for Coastal Studies clayoquot sound; transportation management
287 Development Concept and Park Boundary Considerations: Kennedy Lake Day – Use Area, Long Beach Unit Pacific Rim National Park Pacific Rim National Park 1997
288 Development of local level criteria and indicators Beasley Barbara (ed) Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library workshop proceedings 1998 available from LBMF
289 Devils Club Creek Restoration Plans (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report November 1996
290 Diet of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in Clayoquot Sound Dunham J.S. and D.A. Duffus Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria University of Victoria journal article Marine Mammal Science 18(2):419-437 2002
291 Diffusion in the Northwest Coast culture growth in the light of some distributions Drucker Philip LBMF library academic thesis 1936 PhD University of California
292 Directory of non-profit organizations in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Region Haegele Carla Community University Research Alliance; Clayoquot Biosphere Trust CBT office directory 2001 available from CBT
293 Discourse-pragmatic dynamism in Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) morphosyntax Nakayama Toshihide University of California, Santa Barbara academic thesis 1997 PhD University of California, Santa Barbara
295 Discovery of the nest of the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus mannoratus) in the Queen Charlotte Islands British Columbia. Darcus S.J. journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.41 (9):197-199 1927 nest discovered on small island near Langara Island; suspects these birds nesting in cliffs above Kennedy Lake langara island; marbled murrelet; Brachyramphus mannoratus
296 Distribution Abundance and Behaviour of Basking Sharks in Clayoquot Sound Darling J.D. and K. Keogh Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives journal article The Canadian Field-Naturalist 108:199-210 ongoing summary: distribution abundance and behavior of basking sharks in Clayoquot Sound was investigated with sightings made from 1973-1992 basking sharks; clayoquot sound
297 Distribution and abundance of larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) off the west coast of Vancouver Island, April 2-18 and May 10-18, 1986 Shaw W.; McFarlane G.A.; Davenport D. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station 1986 The surface distribution and abundance of larval sablefish using a neuston net off Vancouver Island was examined from April 2 to 18 and May 10 to 18, 1986. A total of 74 stations was fished at night with a neuston net during April and 42 stations during M INE; Vancouver I.; larvae; abundance; distribution; neuston
298 Distribution and abundance of macrobenthic infauna from the continental shelf off s. western Vancouver Island B.C. Can Brinkhurst R.O. (ed.) report Tech. Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences No. 85 1987 microfiche
301 Distribution and Abundance of Waterbirds in Barkley Sound and the Long Beach/Tofino/Grice Bay area in spring 1989 following the Nestucca Oil Spill Rodway Michael S. Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region PRNP library report Technical Report Series No. 76 1989
302 Distribution Feeding Behaviour and Prey Dynamics of Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) in Clayoquot Sound Darling J.D. West Coast Whale Research Foundation; Clayoquot Biosphere Project ongoing summary: annual abundance and distribution of gray whales are monitered through photo-identification and a sightings program with local whale watching companies; feeding behaivour and prey dynamics are investigate and monitored throughout the summer month gray whale; Eschrichtius robustus; prey; feeding patterns; habitat; Vancouver Island
303 Distribution of amphibians in British Columbia Dodd C. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) unpublished report 1990 lists 8 amphibian species which should occur in LBMF area amphibian; british columbia
304 Distribution of reptiles in British Columbia Dodd C. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) unpublished report 1990 3 reptile species which should occur in the LBMF area reptiles; british columbia
305 District of Tofino Community Values Survey White Doug MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; CBP archives report 1991
306 Disturbance regimes in a coastal watershed Pearson Audrey 1994 Summary: description of disturbance regimes and their influence on forest.structure and composition in the Clayoquot Valley clayoquot river valley; landslide; blowdown; temperate rainforest; natural disturbance; megin river
307 Draft traditional ecological protocols for researchers Paul A. et al Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1996
308 Drift-Block Experiments to Analyze the Mortality of Oiled Seabirds Hlady D.A. and Alan Burger Pacific Rim National Park 1990
309 Dungeness Crab Life History Parameters and Management in Clayoquot Sound Jamieson G.S. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station dungeness crab
310 Dynamics of shallow-water populations of Octopus dofleini Hartwick E.B.; R.F. Ambrose; S.M.C. Robinson journal article Mar. Biol. Vol. 82 No. 1 1984 discusses weight. sex ratios and movements of octopus in Clayoquot Sound Octopus dofleini (Walker) is a common inhabitant of shallow subtidal communities in the Northeast Pacific. The abundances of octopuses at two sites monitored since 1977 have fluctu shallow water; population dynamics; Octopus dofleini; size distribution; immigrations; population number; sex ratio; seasonality; INE, Canada, British Columbia, Clayoquot Sound
311 Eagle nest survey Dorst Adrian unpublished report 1982 26 eagle nests located (suspected to be at least 85% of those existing); eight confirmed to be occupied Meares island; bald eagle; nest survey
313 Ecological (biophysical) coastal classification of Pacific Rim National Park Lee J.C.; B.L. Yoshida and N. Bourne Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished report 1982 marine invertebrate species lists and fish species Pacific Rim National Park; marine invertebrate; fish
314 Ecological and Geomorphological Assessment of the Hydroriparian Zone of Ah’ta’apq- Hot Springs Cove Ghantous C.; S. Jasin; D. Schofield; R. Walker School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
315 Ecological Mapping and Cultural History of Hot Springs Cove Creek (Ah’taÕapq) Estuary (3 different student papers) Heeren J.; J. Simino; L. Sorkin School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
316 Ecological monitoring at Long Beach Model Forest: Implementation of the monitoring workplan of the Scientific Panel for Sustainable Ecosystem Management of Clayoquot Sound Smith J.L. Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2000 available from LBMF
317 Ecological Needs Assessment Ecological Research Literature Review for the Long Beach Model Forest Area Steeves Tami and Alexa Klimke Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library literature review 1995 scientific literature review; clayoquot sound; long beach model forest
318 Ecological reserve proposal Clayoquot Plateau application no. 385 Ogilvie R.; H. Roemer and J. Pinder-Moss proposal 1989 includes list of plant species in the Clayoquot/Kennedy limestone area; rare and very rare status identified
319 Ecology and Management of Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) Summering on the West Coast of Vancouver Island Duffus Dave and Anna Bass Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria project summary: Gray whale feeding strategies diving behavior and the effects of boat traffic in Clayoquot Sound Gray Whale; Eschrichtius robustus; Cow Bay
321 Ecology, feminism, and planning: Lessons from women’s environmental activism in Clayoquot Sound Boucher Priscilla Mae University of British Columbia academic thesis 1998 PhD University of British Columbia
322 Economic Transition and Diversification Strategy for the Clayoquot: phase I report, January 1998 Clayoquot Sound Economic Transition Strategy Steering Committee Forest Renewal BC WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1998 A study of the economic situation and prospects in forestry, fishing, and aquaculture, and tourism in the Clayoquot Sound Region. Funded by Forest Renewal BC. Environmental concerns are one of the factors in overall economic development mentioned in the
323 ecosystem mapping MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. project
324 Ecosystems of MacMillan Park on Vancouver Island Inselberg A.E.; K. Klinka and C. Ray BC Forests (Ministry of) report Land Management Report No.12 1982 classifies describes and interprets ecosystems of MacMillan Park; includes plant species list and map of ecosystems
325 Effect of Red Sea Urchin Density on Gonad Quality Jaw Length and Diet Bureau Dominique summary: examination of the effects of red sea urchin density on gonad quality feeding condition and diet hesquiaht harbour; red sea urchin; population dynamics
326 Effects of El Nino on Inshore Marine Communities Jamieson G. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station DFO library report 1997 Detailed literature review/interpretation of (1) temperature effects on north temperate nearshore marine communities, with special reference to the Northeast Pacific, and (2) description of change in kelp/sea grass communities and in higher trophic level
327 Effects of intensive forest management on amphibians and reptiles of Vancouver Island: problem analysis. Sadoway K.L. BC Forests (Ministry of); BC Environment Lands and Parks (ministry of) report 1986 discusses distribution and habitat requirements of 12 species of amphibians and 7 species of reptiles; effects of logging and recommendations amphibians; reptiles; vancouver island
328 Effects of intensive forest management on breeding birds of Vancouver Island. problem analysis Sadoway K.L. BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1988 discusses habitat requirements of bird species that breed on Vancouver Island and the effects of intensive forest management on them; species lists included birds; vancouver island; intensive forest management
329 Effects of intensive forest management on non-ungulate mammals of Vancouver Island: problem analysis. Sadoway K.L. BC Forests (Ministry of); BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) report 1986 habitat requirements and effects of forest management on 15 species of mammals; research recommendations and species priority non-ungulate mammals; vancouver island; habitat requirements; effects of intensive forestry
330 Effects of logging practices and Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii seeding on shrew Sorex spp. populations in coastal coniferous forest in British Columbia Sullivan D.S. and T.P. Sullivan journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.96 (4):455-461 1982 shrew; populations; effects of logging practices
331 Effects of ocean variability on the abundance of dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae Jamieson G.S.; A.C. Phillips; and W.S. Huggett R.J. Beamish and G.A. McFarlane (eds.) book chapter Effects of ocean variability on recruitment and an evaluation of parameters used in stock assessment models 1989 occurrence of crab megalopae (larvae) off the coast near Tofino
332 Effects of Prescribed Burning on Vegetation and Natural Tree Regeneration in Mature Cedar-Hemlock Forests in the Pacific Rim National Park McGeough Dean M. Pacific Rim National Park 1985
333 Effects of Salvage Logging on Coarse Woody Debris Bain B.; J. Deer; C. Donovan; J. Fishman; E. Grace; R. Martin; C. Smith; S. Teddi School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1998
334 Eight years of banding of western gulls Ferris R.W. journal article Condor Vol. 42 (4):189-197 1940 notes on dispersal of western gulls banded on Haystack Rock Oregon; according to map one return from Clayoquot Sound western gulls; banding; oregon
336 Endangered invertebrates in B.C. Cannings S. Strategy for Sustainable Development for Clayoquot Sound report 1990 survey of Brooks Peninsula; 519’terrestrial invertebrates in 190 families; includes 31 species undescribed and 34 species unknown in Canada
337 Energetic impact of birds of Cleland Island and vicinity Snyder B.A. Bamfield Marine Station unpublished report 1979 estimate of nutritional requirements of seabirds of Cleland Island;- lists 19 bird species seabirds; nutritional requirements; cleland island
338 Enhancing the establishment and growth of aboreal forage lichens in intensively managed forest: problem analysis Stevenson S.K. BC Environment (Ministry of); BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1985 examines the’factors that potentially limit the abundance of Alectotia Bryotia and Usnea (arboreal lichens found on Vancouver Island) in young stands
339 Environmental contaminants, food availability, and reproduction of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia Gill Christopher Ellis Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1998 MSc Simon Fraser University
340 Environmental groups and the international conflict over the forests of British Columbia, 1990 to 2000 Stanbury W.T. SFU-UBC Centre for the Study of Government and Business Ministry of Forests Library report 2000 The report was prepared for the research project “Interest Groups in the Information Age,” sponsored by the Donner Canadian Foundation
341 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Kennedy Lake Day Use Area Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1978
342 Environmental Protests in Clayoquot Sound: Backgrounder BC Attorney General (Ministry of) BC Attorney General (Ministry of) MacPherson Library (UVIC) report 1994
343 Epiphytic lichen abundance: effects of stand age and composition in coastal BC Price Karen; G. Hochachka Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library journal article Ecological Applications 11(3):904-913 2001 available from LBMF
344 Estimation of the Mitigation Value of the Henderson Lake Hatchery Webber Marian School for Field Studies-Centre for Coastal Studies salmon hatchery; henderson lake
345 Ethnobotany of the Hesquiat Indians of Vancouver Island Turner Nancy; Barbara S. Efrat Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report BC Provincial Museum Cultural Recovery Paper No. 2 1982
346 Ethnobotany of the Nitinaht Indians of Vancouver Island Turner Nancy; John Thomas; Barry F. Carlson; Robert T. Ogilvie Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report BC Provincial Museum Occasional Paper No. 24 1983
347 Euphausiid Population Biology Tanasichuk Ron Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station project summary: study of the population biology of krill in the La Perouse Bank region; population dynamics on its potential effects on predator population (hake herring dogfish) Euphasid; La Perouse bank; hake; herring; dogfish
348 Excising the common wealth? A study of public sector intervention in the British Columbia forest sector, 1980–1996 Wagner William LeRoy University of Victoria academic thesis 2001 PhD University of Victoria
349 Exploitation and mortality of male dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) near Tofino British Columbia Smith B.D. and G.S. Jamieson journal article Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol.46:1609-1614 1989 male dungeness crabs sampled by traps and monitored by tagging as they moulted and reached legal size in Clayoquot Sound