Mount Elliot ER #125 Purpose Statement

Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural
ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key goal of ecological
reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic
materials. All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited.
Research and educational activities may be carried out but only under permit.

See the full version in this PDF: mountelliot_ps

Primary Role
The primary role of Mount Elliot Ecological Reserve is to protect a small self-contained
subalpine drainage, including a cirque lake. The ecological reserve includes a complete
hanging valley with a subalpine lake. The side walls are steep, but mostly forested. It contains
a variety of closed subalpine forests and loosely treed or open “subalpine parklands’. The
igneous rocks found here and their soils are in contrast to the volcanics of nearby ecological
reserves, Tsitika Mountain and Mount Derby.

Management Issues
Known Management Issue
Impact of adjacent logging on the ecological reserve

  •  Review forest development plans to ensure that forest harvesting activity does not impact the  ecological reserve and its values.
  • Install boundary signage.
  •  Develop a more formal monitoring program.
  •  Recruit a Volunteer Warden.

Lack of knowledge of the natural values

  • Encourage researchers to complete an ecological inventory including rare species and introduced  species.

Representation  – ecosection:

  • Mount Elliott Ecological Reserve makes a minimal contribution of 0.62% to the  representation of the Northern Island Mountains  Ecosection (NIM), which is under protected at  9.1%. The ecological reserve is one of 18  protected areas that contribute to the  representation of NIM.

Scientific/Research Opportunities

  • Due to its self-contained drainage system, the ecological reserve is suitable for hydrological  studies such as a water quality baseline. There  is an opportunity to increase understanding of  natural values with field research. (Geomorphology )

Vulnerable to adjacent logging

Area: 324 hectares