File: 6-7-1-109-50 Date: 90-03-01
(This statement is intended for use in conjunction with the descriptive text and map pages supplied in the “Guide to Ecological Reserves in British Columbia”).
Features Requiring Special Management Consideration:
The reserve supports the last remaining undisturbed and uncommitted deciduous alluvial forest along the lower Fraser River.
Management Issues:
1. Natural bank erosion causes trees to fall into the river. Public Works Canada appear to routinely cut these trees and some still standing trees to reduce the threat to river navigation.
2. Evidence of hunting was observed on the reserve in 1986.
3. A swath resembling a survey line was cut on the big island in 1987. Perpetrators and purpose were never identified.
Management Actions Required and their Priority:
1. Liaise with Public Works Canada to restrict the tree cutting to that which is most necessary for safety reasons.
2. Improve signing of the reserve. If hunting reoccurs, involve conservation officer.
Fire, Insect and Disease Contingency:
1. Avoid fires; if firefighting becomes necessary, avoid using chemicals and bulldozers in the reserve.
2. No insect and disease control desired.