Doc English Bluffs ER photos by Anna Roberts
The following images have been transferred from Kodachrome slides taken by Anna Roberts in the 1980s;
Metridium farcimen study at Race Rocks Ecological reserve
Pearson College student Hans Guttman of Sweden coordinated a series of underwater transects in 1982 to determine the population densities and distribution of the anemone Metridium farcimen. ( previously identified as metridium senile) the raw data of 19 dives on belt transects in the pegged locations around great race rocks are recorded. See full PDF
Notes on McQueen Creek ER Established 1982
An exceptionally well-preserved small sample of grassland ecosystems and adjacent forest in the wetter subzone of the Ponderosa Pine -bunchgrass zones. Roemer and Zirul original rough notes: PDF file: McQeen ER plant lists by communitiy type
Dease River Deferred Area Study, 1982
This document outlines the background leading to the designation of the Dease River Deferred Planning Area, the resource values of the study area , and four land status alternatives to manage the resources therein. See the Complete PDF file : bc government 1982 dease_river_deferred_study_area