Westwick Lake Publication List
Early publication list from the Ecological Reserves Office: date: 1980 (estim) See the PDF:Westwick Lake publication list(1)
Johan Ashuvud and Garry Fletcher submitted this article to Diver magazine , 1980. “how does one ensure for future divers in B.C. the preservation of the ubnique underwater life? One approach is to involve concerned divers in their own local diving areas in projects aimed at ecological awareness and conservation”…..
## sites on Haida Gwaii were sampled by Mary Morris and Sheila Douglas as part of a natural history Project conducted by the Queen Charlotte Islands Museum for its herbarium. See this PDF file for the complete species list.qci_herbariumqci_herbarium
Date is estimated to be about 1980.
T.E. Reimchen and Sheila Douglas report on the study methods on loons which forage in the ocean and yet feed o their young in inland lakes. See full PDF:parental_feeding_in_the_red-throated_loon_on_qci
A report of the planning and Design branch of Ministry of Lands Parks and Housing, BC spatsizi_plateau_park_master_plan