Buck Hills Road Overview: Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To conserve a small stand of western larch which includes large, old specimens Physical: The reserve is located on the Okanagan Highland, an upland between the Thompson Plateau and Monashee Mountains. The undulating plateau surface is widely mantled with glacial drift. Piles of large, weathered granitic boulders, uncommon in surrounding terrain, are a

Mount Maxwell ER#37 Overview, Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect outstanding Garry oak stands and associated vegetation Physical: The reserve is on the strongly sloping southwest side of Baynes Peak. Surficial materials are colluvium and weathered bedrock derived from sandstone. Soils are thin, poorly developed, and subject to summer drought. Dominant soils are Brunisols, but small areas of Podzols occur. Streams

Lasqueti Island ER #4 Overview, Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect vegetation and fauna characteristic of the Coastal Douglas-Fir Zone Access: Much of the reserve was selectively logged in the 1960s, and old logging roads are present. Part of the reserve is fenced to keep out feral sheep. See the complete PDF: lasqueti COMPOSITION The reserve contains a rocky, irregular hill with