Seabirds, A look at Clayoquot Sound
PDF file:brochure
PDF file:brochure
CLELAND ISLAND OVERVIEW BC Parks Date established:4 May 1971 ORC #3001: Map number:92 E/1 Total Area: Land:7.7 ha 7.7 ha Access:Closed to public. A permit is required to land on island. Accessible by water. Biogeoclimatic Zones: Coastal Western Hemlock (CWH) Biogeoclimatic Variant: CWH vh1 CWH Southern Very Wet Hypermaritime Ecosection: Vancouver Island Shelf Region:Vancouver Island
R. Wayne Campbell and David Stirling did this report for the BC Provincial Museum in 1967. It includes an extensive annotated bird and vegetation species list. In addition other animals , invertebrates, etc are documented. See the complete PDF: