NEB Decisions on Board of FER Requests for information to Government departments
This set of Decisions by the National Energy Board relates to the Information requests sent by the Friends of Ecological reserves to Government of Canada Departments:
Since IR 1.3 was the only one granted, we will include the answer from GOC here when it is published.
Attachment to Board letter
Dated 12 August 2015
Page 1 of 9
Appendix 1
National Energy Board (Board) decisions and reasons on motions to compel full and adequate responses from intervenors to information requests (IRs) from other intervenors
NOTE: The Board made decisions on each individual IR or sub-question referred to in the motions to compel. Where sequential IR numbers or sub-questions had identical decisions, these were consolidated into one row indicating the range of IRs or subquestions that the decision applied to, for ease of reference only. This does not indicate that these requests were not considered individually. The reasons identified are identical for each IR or sub-question within that range.