Visit to ER #76 – Fraser River Islands, September 28, 2008
Sunny, warm; low water, 20 degrees C
Launched from Nicomen Boat Launch at 10:30 am, joined by (John) Riley from Hope. Carried in boats from locked gate. Horse buggy competition getting underway on Nicomen Island fields.
Returned 6:00 pm.
Paddled about 1 km to ER. Walked around islands for 7.5 km. See map.
Most significant feature was amount of silt/mud coating on gravel bars.
Also reed canary grass is growing amongst the horsetail…possibly taking over in some locations.
Very large ivy vine growing up cottonwood, but not spreading out along the ground.
(see photo)
We disturbed barred owl when bush whacking through large cottonwood area (near ivy tree).
Eagle nest at (NAD83)
10 U 0571256
5447383 (+15 m)
Ivy covered tree at
10 U 0571359
Furthest downstream tip of island (western)
10 U 0570423
Turkey vulture – 2 flying over
Greater yellow legs – at least two, but saw two in different locations at different times
Glaucous winged gull
Winter wren
Barred owl
Osprey – flying overhead
Common merganser – pair
Northern flicker
Black capped chicadee
Red tailed hawk
Bald eagle – two adults and an immature
Lily of the valley
Stinging nettle
Cascara – extensive amount, and seedlings, especially near ivy tree
Artemisia sp.
Golden rod
Blackberries – ripe ones especially along northern facing shore of lower island
Reed canary grass (growing in on horsetail areas)
English ivy (growing high up on one tree)
Tracks – deer and with fawn, racoon, beaver, fox (looks like small dog), bear
Young toad – two in different locations, both green
Thousands of small fish in different pools
Grasshoppers (adults with visible wings)