
Baeria Rocks ER Purpose Statement 2003

Posted August 30, 2003 | Categories : 24,Management,Reports,Species List |

Purpose Statement
Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key goal of ecological reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic materials. All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited. Baeria Rocks Ecological Reserve is closed to the public by OIC to protect nesting seabirds, which are very vulnerable to disturbance at this location. Research and educational activities may be carried out only under permit.

Adapted from the BC Parks PDF File baeria_ps:
Primary Role The primary role of Baeria Rocks Ecological Reserve is to protect nesting seabirds and to preserve rich intertidal and subtidal communities. The ecological reserve is located in Barkley Sound at the head of Imperial Eagle Channel, and it comprises two low bedrock islands 500 metres apart, and a substantial subtidal area (48 ha) between the shoreline and the 20 fathom (36.5metre)depth. Vascular plants are limited to one species (Lasthenia maritime;hairy goldfields), which is blue-listed in B.C., and several crustose lichens, adapted to salt spray, also occur. Nesting seabirds include pelagic cormorants, glaucous-winged gulls, black oystercatchers, and pigeon guillemots. Harbour seals use the rocks as haul-out sites; other marine mammals are present in low numbers all year.
Despite the predominantly bedrock substrates, a variety of intertidal habitats are present, including rock faces exposed to the surf, crevices, tide pools, and a protected lagoon in the north island. The intertidal shoreline is almost completely covered with marine invertebrates and algae, the most common of which are barnacles, mussels, sea anemones, starfish, and numerous marine plants. The surrounding subtidal area supports a diverse invertebrate fauna that is particularly abundant in hydroids, ascidians, and anemones, and several species of algae. Common fishes in the subtidal zone are the black, yellowtail, copper, quillback, and China rockfishes, and the kelp greenling.
Secondary Role
The secondary role is to provide research and education opportunities. The Bamfield Marine
Station is nearby and it provides year-round research facilities to scientists and students in the marine sciences, and runs a public education program. Baeria Rocks provides a protected site for research on numerous topics related to the marine sciences such as marine mammal behaviour and marine biodiversity.

Adapted from the BC Parks PDF Filebaeria_ps: