Klanawa River ER # 138 Purpose Statement
Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural
ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key goal of ecological
reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic
materials. All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited.
Research and education activities may be carried out but only under permit.
See the full PDF: klanawa_ps
Primary Role
The primary role of Klanawa River Ecological Reserve is to protect endangered forest plants
within a floodplain Sitka spruce forest on the west coast of Vancouver Island. This 90 hectare
ecological reserve, located near the West Coast Trail Unit of the Pacific Rim National Park
Reserve, comprises a forested floodplain that bisects the lower Klanawa River in a section
about 5 kilometres north of its mouth. This site protects two endangered plants — redwood
sorrel and Scouler’s corydalis. The redwood sorrel is not represented elsewhere in the
provincial protected areas system and this site was deemed as the best occurrence of this rare
Containing some of the last old-growth stands of western hemlock, western redcedar and Sitka
spruce in the immediate area, this ecological reserve also provides protection to a host of
wildlife that frequent the river corridor. Marbled murrelets, an endangered bird species, could
potentially nest in this area because of the intact stands of old-growth forest required for their
nesting habitat. The Klanawa River has coho, chum and chinook salmon, winter-run steelhead,
sculpin, Pacific lamprey and cutthroat populations.
Management Issues
Known Management Issue
Lack of knowledge of cultural values and
First Nations interest in area
- Consult with First Nations to gather information on culturalvalues and interest in this area.
Lack of knowledge of natural values
- Undertake inventory of plant communities and species at risk.
Lack of public awareness of ecological reserve
- Install boundary and regulatory signage at key locations tocreate a better understanding and appreciation for the ecological reserve.
- Increase presence and monitoring capabilities throughrecruiting a volunteer warden from local naturalist groups.
Viability of the ecological reserve and its ability to protect the community of wood
sorrel as a result of small size (less than 140 ha) of the ecological reserve and it being surrounded by clear cuts.
- Investigate the option of including riverside corridor and remaining mature forest (330 ha) to the south boundary of the ecological reserve to improve its ecological integrity and to protect the core area from blowdown.
- Work with Ministry of Forests and industry to minimize the impact of forestry development on the ecological reserve and ensure values are considered in development plans.
Severe decline of fish numbers in Klanawa River over the last 5 years –
potentially as a result of forestry activities and high gravel movement in river
- Work with Ministry of Forests, Fisheries and Oceans Canada to maintain, and possibly restore, fish populations in the river.
See the rest of the Purpose Statement in the full PDF: klanawa_ps