
Clayoquot Region Research and Document Database– Part 2

Posted June 24, 2000 | Categories : 1,Reports,Research |

500 Kennedy and Muriel Watershed Restoration Program Hyatt Kim Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station project watershed; kennedy river; muriel river; salmon habitat restoration
501 Kennedy Lake Sockeye Test Fishing Program Lane Jim Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council summary: project involves seine test fishing and hydro-acoustic traverses in the Fortune Channel and Tofino Inlet areas to determine migration timing age composition and relative abundance of Muriel Lake and Kennedy Lake sockeye Kennedy Lake; sockeye salmon ecology and abundance
502 Kennedy Lake Technical Working Group: Synthesis of current understanding Webb T.M.; J. Korman; D. Bouillon and D.R. Marmorek Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations; Ecotrust Portland report 1993 stock structure life cycle and trends in stock abundance of sockeye salmon in the Kennedy Lake water system kennedy lake; sockeye salmon
503 Kennedy Lake Watershed Habitat and Salmon Atlas Research Project Johannes Mark Northwest Ecosystem Institute atlas kennedy river watershed; salmon habitat; mapping
504 Kennedy Lake workshop report Webb T.M.; J. Korman and D.R. Marmorek Ecotrust Ecotrust workshop proceedings 1993 stock structure life cycle and trends in stock.abundance of sockeye salmon in the Kennedy Lake water system kennedy lake; sockeye salmon
505 Kennedy Lake/River fish weir DhSj-6. Archaeological Site Inventory Form Campbell B. inventory form 1993 preliminary description of aboriginal stone fish weir
506 Kennedy River Jump-off Bridge Sidechannel Site Plan, Section and Profile NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report 1996
507 Kennedy Watershed Atlas Series x Volume I: Watershed Information System Johannes Mark; L. Hanslit Northwest Ecosystem Institute LBMF library; NEI atlas 1999 available from NEI for $45.00
508 Kennedy watershed atlas series, volume II: Clayoquot Valley natural history Johannes Mark; Josie Cleland Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Northwest Ecosystem Institute DFO library CD ROM, atlas 2000
509 Kennedy Watershed Management Planning West Coast Sustainability Association check with Lead Agency project 1998 FRBC/RAMS
516 Kennedy Watershed Restoration Project: Operational Research Johannes Mark Northwest Ecosystem Institute Kennedy River Watershed; stream restoration
518 Kenquot Area WRP (FINAL) Vandine Geological Engineering Ltd. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report December 1996
521 Klee Wyck Carr Emily Irwin Publishing Co. general book 1941 Emily Carr’s first visit to Ucluelet in 1887
522 Kootowis, Staghorn and Lost Shoe Creeks (DRAFT) D.R. Clough Consulting Ltd.; Madrone Consultants Ltd. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report March 1996
523 Kootowis/Staghorn/Lost Shoe Creeks WRP: 1996 Summary Report (FINAL) D.R. Clough Consulting Ltd. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report November 26, 1996
524 Landslide Prediction Study – Clayoquot Sound Rollerston Terry BC Forests (Ministry of) Vancouver Forest Region, Research Section landslide prediction; Clayoquot Sound
525 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 11-Mar-87 Opening Road: EML 19, Mapsheet: 92C.093, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Barclay
526 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 11-Mar-87 Opening Road: EML 19, Mapsheet: 92C.093, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Barclay
527 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 17-Mar-86 Opening Road: SR 235, Mapsheet: 92F.013, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Sand River
529 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 17-Mar-86 Opening Road: SR 219, Mapsheet: 92F.013, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Sand River
531 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 15-Mar-87 Opening Road: SR 226 (E), Mapsheet: 92F.013, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Sand River
533 Landslide Rehabilitation Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 02-Mar-88 Opening Road: BR 562 (M145B), Mapsheet: 92F.003, Pcode: 4201, Status: 3, Subdivision: Barclay
534 Late Winter Assessment of Off-channel Habitat within the Cypre River Watershed, Clayoquot Sound, BC J.A. Taylor and Associates & Environmental Research Services J.A. Taylor & Asosc., Environmental Research Services WLAP&SRM Ministry library report May 28, 1997
535 Laysan albatross scaled petrel parakeet auklet: Additions to the list of Canadian birds. Campbell R.W. and M. Shepard journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.87 (2):179-180 1973 sighting records of laysan albatross off Estevan Point and scaled petrel off Flores Island laysan albatross; scaled petre; parakeet auklet; estevan point; flores island
536 Leadership Initiative for Earth Gibbs Jeff LIFE (Leadership Initiative for Earth) video ongoing keeps record of expeditions, adventures, interviews. Youth expeditions to Clayoquot Sound. Headoffice in Vancouver
537 Letter to Adrian Dorst re: plants on Meares Island Ogilvie R. PRNP library letter 1982
538 Letter to Kate Keogh Re: Request for wildlife information/Clayoquot Sound Davies R.G. 1990 indicates that bald eagle waterfowl and estuary information is available bald eagle; waterfowl; clayoquot sound
540 Level 1 Assessment of the Hydrology and Fish Habitat Quality of the Cypre River, including Level 2 Prescriptions for Watershed Restoration J.A. Taylor & Assoc., Environmental Research Services J.A. Taylor & Assoc., Environmental Research Services report May 27, 1998
543 Levels of polyploidy in four vegetation types of southwestern British Columbia Pojar J. journal article Can. J. Botany Vol.51 (3):621-628 1973 gives plant species from 5 sites sampled in southwestern B.C.; including.2 sites near Tofino and 2 sites in Pacific Rim National Park; briefly discusses environment of plants
544 Life history and production of Neomysis mercedis in two British Columbia coastal lakes. Cooper K.L.; K.D. Hyatt; D.P. Rankin Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station journal article Hydrobiologia vol. 230(1):9-30 1992 discusses life history of N. mercedis in Kennedy Lake and Muriel Lake The life history and production characteristics of Neomysis mercedis from two British Columbia lakes were examined for their potential influence on zooplankton and limnetic fish commun Neomysis mercedis; Canada, British Columbia; freshwater crustaceans; life history; vertical distribution; biological production; biomass; fecundity; lakes; competition; production
545 List of plants collected in Pacific Rim National Park Pojar J. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished data 1971 lists 64 species of plants collected in 3 different habitats
546 List of plants rare within the boundaries of Phase I Pacific Rim National park Bell M.A.M. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory 1972 lists 39 plant species rare plants; Pacific Rim National Park
547 Living on the edge: Nuu-Chah-Nulth history from an Ahousaht Chief’s perspective George E.M. Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria University of Victoria academic thesis 1999 MA University of Victoria, Geography
548 Logging and Landscape Change in Phase I of the Pacific Rim National Park. In Pacific Rim: An Ecological Approach to a New Canadian National Park MacKenzie G.A. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report Studies in Land Use History and Landscape Change, National Park Series No. 4 1972
549 Logging Clayoquot Sound will strip province of its natural beauty Kennedy Robert F. Jr. Vancouver Sun Vancouver Sun newspaper clipping Vancouver Sun Feb.20 1993, B4 1993
550 Long Beach Model Forest Biomonitoring Plot #928 Van Sickle Allan Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre Pacific Forestry Centre forest health plots toquart bay
552 Long Beach Model Forest Criteria and Indicators Workshop Wright Pam Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library workshop proceedings 1998
554 Long Beach Model Forest Society Summary of Projects 1995-1996 Long Beach Model Forest Society Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library project list 1996 summarizes projects and lists reports
556 Long Beach Model Forest Society Summary of Projects 1997-2002 Long Beach Model Forest Society Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library project list 2002 summarizes projects and lists reports
557 Long-term fire histories in a coastal temperate rainforest Gavin D.G.; K.P. Lertzman; L.B. Brubaker and E. Nelson journal article Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77(3):157 1996
558 Long-term Fire History in Coastal Temperate Rainforest PI’s Lertzman Ken and Dan Gavin
559 Longtitudinal Distribution of Fish Communities in the Clayoquot River System Kotilla W. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1996 Clayoquot River Valley; fish survey
560 Lost Shoe Creek Habitat Inventory Report. Long Beach Unit – Pacific Rim National Park Reisenleiter H. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished report 1985 lists fish species in creek; habitat mapping on part of creek below Pacific Rim Highway; discusses vegetation Pacific Rim National Park; Lost Shoe Creek Habitat Inventory; fish; vegetation
561 Lost Shoe/Thunderous: Bioengineering Progress Report: 1996/97 WRP (FINAL) BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report N/A
562 Lower Olympic Creek Restoration Plans (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report November 1996
564 MacMillan Bloedel & Clayoquot Sound: briefing notes MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Public Affairs WLAP&SRM Ministry Library briefing notes 1993
565 Management for a Living Hesquiaht Harbour Project Mickey Sam Hesquiaht First Nation Hesquiaht Band Office ongoing
568 Management for a living Hesquiaht Harbour: compilation of existing knowledge and preliminary assessment of resources and habitat Darling J.D. Hesquiaht First Nation; Conservation International/ Ecotrust report 1992 preliminary comparison integration of traditional and scientific knowledge; includes marine invertebrates; freshwater marine and andromous fish; includes birds; includes marine and land mammals hesquiaht harbour; invertebrate; fish; bird; mammal
569 Management prescriptions for protecting the Meares Island fish and wildlife resources Cerenzia R.E. PRNP library report 1982 recommendations for forestry management to protect small furbearers and bears; recommendations to protect waterfowl bald eagle heron and woodpecker habitats; recommendations to protect fisheries from logging and road construction Meares Island; small furbearers; bears; waterfowl; bald eagle; heron; woodpecker; habitats; fisheries
570 Managing Scenic Values in Clayoquot Sound British Columbia, Clayoquot Sound Scenic Corridors Advisory Group MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report
572 Map locations of sea lion and harbour seal haulouts and whale/dolphin ranges Ellis G. and M.A. Bigg Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station unpublished data 1990 map sea lion; harbour seal; whales; dolphin
573 Marine and estuarine riparian habitats and their role in coastal ecosystems, Pacific Region Levings Colin and Glen Jamieson Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans DFO library report Can. Sci. Adv. Sec. Research document 2001/109 2001 not to be cited without permission of the authors
574 Marine Bibliographical and Review Study of Pacific Rim National Park Lee J.C. and N. Bourne Pacific Rim National Park report Manuscript Report Series no. 1276 1973
575 Marine biology report: East coast of Meares Island, Bay north of Dawley Pass Sloan N.A. and D.W. Burt MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Woodland Services report 1981 5 genera. of marine invertebrates found; brief mention of habitat
576 Marine biophysical inventory of Pacific Rim National Park 1978 Lee J.C. and N. Boume Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1514 1979 surveys of marine invertebrates and their habitats in Pacific Rim National Park; includes species names; recreational impact studies on some species of marine invertebrates marine invertebrates; Pacific Rim National Park
577 Marine bird populations in the Strait of Georgia; comparison with the west coast of Vancouver Island Vermeer K. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans report Canadian Tech. Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences No. 19 1983
579 Marine birds and aquaculture in British Columbia: assessment of geographical overlap. Booth J. and H. Rueggeberg Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service report Technical Report Series No. 73 1989 bird species and types of aquaculture examined in terms of the overlap between aquaculture development and areas used by birds; includes LBMF area Marine birds; aquaculture
580 Marine birds and aquaculture in British Columbia: preventing predation by scoters on a west coast mussel farm Rueggeberg H. and J. Booth Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service report Technical Report Series No. 74 1989 discusses methods of protecting mussels from scoters and their effectiveness; study site in Barkley Sound scoters; aquaculture; barkley sound
581 Marine invertebrate species collected during oil spill monitoring survey Brinkhurst R.O. and B. Bird Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Institute of Ocean Sciences unpublished data 1989 4 collections totalling 69 species.collected during bottom sampling in Sydney Inlet Clayoquot Sound
582 Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest Kozloff E.N. University of Washington Press book 1987
584 Marine Macrophyte Baseline Survey Druehl Louis Bamfield Marine Station ongoing summary: examines distribution patterns of marine macrophy.tes in Batkley Sound; potential indicators of long-scale environmental change benthic macrophytes; Barkley Sound
585 Marine mammals of British Columbia Pike G.C.; I.B. MacAskie Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station report Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bulletin No. 171 1969 records of whales dolphins seals and. sea lions in British Columbia waters UP to 1967 compiled from published and unpublished records; includes records from LBMF area marine mammals;
586 Marine Protected Areas Jamieson G. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station 1997 D.F.O. Science is working with Federal, Provincial, First Nation, academic, non-government organizations, and corporate bodies in proposing potential marine protected areas (MPAs) for inclusion in Integrated Coastal Zone Management for coastal B.C. As
587 Marine resource inventory of Pacific Rim National Park 1976 Lee J.C. and N. Boume Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Board PRNP library report Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Manuscript Report Series No. 1389 1976 surveys of marine invertebrates and their habitats in Pacific Rim National Park; includes species names; recreational impact studies on some species of marine invertebrates Pacific Rim National Park; marine invertebrates
588 Marine resource inventory of Pacific Rim National Park 1977 Lee J.C. and N. Bourne Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1436 1977 surveys of marine invertebrates and their habitats in Pacific Rim National Park; includes species names; recreational impact studies on some species of marine invertebrates marine invertebrates; Pacific Rim National Park
589 Marine resource inventory of Pacific Rim National Park 1978 Lee J.C. and N. Boume Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1467 1978 surveys of . and their habitats in Pacific Rim National Park; includes species names; recreational impact studies on some species of marine invertebrates Pacific Rim National Park; marine invertebrates
590 Marine Survival Mechanisms Project Hyatt Kim Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station project
591 Marion Hydrometric and Climate Inventory Report 2000 Collyer Michael; J. McGarvie; R. Scott; G. Clark; B. Richards Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002
592 Master Plan for Strathcona Provincial Park BC Parks (Ministry of) Strathcona District Southcoast Region report 1993 plan recommendation calls for long term forest management strategy; includes forest inventory occurence of rare and endangered species wildlife habitat fire management and land uses in adjacent areas
593 Meares Island and Pacific Rim National Park: A Case Study of a Resource Conflict Involving Aesthetics, Tourism, and National Park Boundaries Dearden Philip 1989
594 Meares Island Clayoquot Sound Friends of Clayoquot Sound Friends of Clayoquot Sound PRNP library; FOCS 1980 notes 22 duck species and 3 geese species seen in waters around Meares island; gives approximate numbers waterfowl; meares island
595 Meares Island Integrated Resource Use Plan: TFL 20 portion MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1983
596 Meares Island marine biology surveys: Windy Bay, Ritchie Bay and Mosquito Harbour Sloan N.A. and M.J. Stanhope MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Woodland Services unpublished report 1980 11 species of marine invertebrate’s found in Windy Bay; 1 genus and 15 species in Ritchie Bay; 2 genera and 9 species in Mosquito Harbour; habitats mentioned
597 Meares Island wildlife inventory McLaughlin R.T. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Woodland Services 1980 waterfowl; bald eagle; meares island
598 Meares Island: Protecting a Natural Paradise George Paul and Adrian Dorst Friends of Clayoquot Sound WLAP&SRM Ministry Library book 1985
599 Meares Island: Wildlife inventory McLaughlin R.T. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Woodland Services unpublished report 1980 assessment of the status of black-tailed deer populations from transects black-tailed deer; population; meares island
600 Megin River Ecological Reserve #105 BC Parks (Ministry of) Ecological Reserves Program 1987 lists 5 salmon species which spawn in Megin river system; at least 1 salmon species spawns within the reserve
603 Methodology for sampling terrestrial arthropods in British Columbia Winchester N.N. and G.G.E. Scudder report 1993 includes list of taxa captured by various sampling techniques
604 Methods of attack of octopus dofieini (Wulker) on captured bivalve and gastropod prey Hartwick E.B.; G. Thorarinsson and L. Tulloch journal article Mar. Behav. Physiol. Vol.5 :193-200 1978 lists species of marine snails and clams preyed upon by octopus in Clayoquot Sound
605 Micro-scale spatial behaviour of a foraging gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Canada Malcolm C.D. Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria University of Victoria academic thesis 1997 MSc University of Victoria, Geography
606 Monitoring and demonstrating the Scientific Panel recommendations for sustainable forest management in Clayoquot Sound Beasley Barbara Long Beach Model Forest Ministry of Forests Library report 2002
607 Mortality and dispersal of the glaucous-winged gulls of southern British Columbia Butler R.W.; N.A.M. Verbeek; and R.G. Foottit journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol 94 (3):315-320 1980 recoveries of 1002 glaucous-winged gulls banded as chicks in 11 breeding colonies in British Columbia; one colony on S.E. Flores Island flores island; glaucous-winged gulls
608 Mosses and Liverworts in the Area Around Clayoquot Lake. Meier J. Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1993 lists 36 mosses and 20 liverworts found in the Clayoquot Valley mosses; liverworts; Clayoquot River valley
609 Mosses lichens and fems of Northwest North America Vitt D.H.; J.E. Marsh and R.B. Bovey Lone Pine Publishing general book 1988
610 Moyeha Climate Inventory Report 2000 Collyer Michael; J. McGarvie; R. Scott Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002
611 Muriel S1 Creek Restoration Plans (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Division, DFO NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO November 1996
612 Mushrooms of Western Canada Schalkwijk-Barendsen H.M.E. Lone Pine Publishing general book 1991
613 Mycophilia Hannam K. Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1994 Clayoquot River Valley; fungi
614 Native swans wintering on Vancouver Island over the period 1969-71 Smith I.D. and D.A. Blood journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.86 (3):213-216 1971 3 sites in Clayoquot Sound noted as swan wintering areas; approximate numbers of swans given swans;
615 Native tree us on Meares Island BC – report in 4 volumes for Ahousaht and Clayoquot Indian Bands Arcas Assoc. report 1986
616 Native uses of plants – Pacific Rim National Park Watkins N. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished data 1989 lists 17 plant species and their use Native uses of plants; Pacific Rim National Park
618 Natural and Cultural History Themes Strathcona Provincial Park Brooks B.J. report 1989
619 Natural disturbance patterns in a coastal temperate rain forest watershed, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia Pearson Audrey Frances University of Washington academic thesis 2000 PhD University of Washington
620 Natural history and long term environmental monitoring in the Sydney and Shelter Inlets Darling J.D. Clayoquot Biosphere Project ongoing summary: collection of natural history observations throughout the spring and summer; measurement of environmental events including rainfall ambient temperature global radiation humidity salinity -and water temperature natural history; Sydney Inlet; Shelter Inlet
621 Natural history theme study of bird and mammal habitats of Canada’s Pacific coast and adjacent coastal waters Summers K.R. and R.W. Campbell Parks Canada report 1978 birds; mammals; british columbia; natural history
622 Nature was the provider: traditional ecological knowledge and inventory of culturally significant plants and habitats in the Atleo River watershed, Ahousaht Territory, Clayoquot Sound Craig Juliet University of Victoria; LBMF library academic thesis 1998 MSc Environmental Science University of Victoria
623 Nesting colony of mew gulls on Kennedy Lake Vancouver Island Ricker W.E. and F. Neave Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report Annual Report of the BC Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology 1961 most southerly mew gull nesting site recorded in British Columbia Mew gulls; kennedy lake
625 Nestucca Project – Consolidation of fisheries resources information: West Coast Vancouver Island Wright Margaret Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, South Coast Division 1993 summary: collect information from DFO field staff patrol vessel operators charter boat operators and Native groups regarding fishery stocks fisheries and fish habitats; information to be used in oil spill response. Includes Barkley and Clayoquot Sound oil spill resonse; clayoquot sound; barkley sound
626 Northwest Bay cougar study Dewar P. and P. Dewar BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Fish and Wildlife Branch report 1973 Northwest Bay; cougar; felis concolour; behaviour; tranquillizing
627 Notes on beach dwelling polychaete worms Campbell B. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library unpublished report 1987 discusses 3 species of marine worms Pacific Rim National Park; polychaete worms
628 Notes on small furbearers likely to be found on Meares Island Cerenzia R.E. PRNP library unpublished report 1981 7 species of furbearing mammals discussed with respect to biology and management Meares Island; furbearers; mammals
629 Notes on some pelagic birds of the coast of British Columbia Martin P.W. journal article Condor Vol. 44 (l):27-29 1942 14 species noted off Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands pelagic bird; vancouver island; queen charlotte islands
630 Notes on the natural history of Cleland Island British Columbia with emphasis on the breeding bird fauna. Campbell R.W. and D. Stirling Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report Annual Report of the BC Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology 1968 49 species of birds recorded some. species only sighted once; marine shoreline and land birds; mentions clouded salamander on Cleland Island birds; cleland island
631 Nutrient dynamics and exchange between coastal forest and marine ecosystems, Clayoquot Sound, BC Jelinski D. Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2001 available from LBMF
632 Nuu-Chah-Nulth labour relations in the pelagic sealing industry, 1868-1911 Crockford Cairn Elizabeth University of Victoria academic thesis 1996 MA University of Victoria
633 Nuu-Chah-Nulth Land Question: Land Sea and Resources Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library
634 Nuu-chah-nulth People, Aboriginal Rights, and Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Canada Berg L.D. and P. Dearden New Zealand Geographical Society conference paper Proceedings of the Inaugural Joint Conference New Zealand Geographical Society and the Insti????? 1994
635 Nuu-chah-nulth Sustainable Development Interest in Clayoquot Sound Archeo Tech Assoc. Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1991
636 Nuuchatlaht Escapement Monitoring Nuchatlaht First Nation check with Lead Agency project 1998 FsRBC/RAMS
637 Observations of Salmon Distribution and Behaviour in the Clayoquot River Mashaal J. Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP? student paper 1993 salmon distribution and behaviour; Clayoquot River valley
638 Observations on the distribution and migration of some seabirds off the outer coasts of British Columbia and Washington State 1916-1949 Martin P.W. and M.T. Myres journal article Syesis Vol. 1 (1 and 2):241-256 1949 10 species observed near or in Clayoquot Sound seabird; migration; distribution; british columbia; washington
639 Occurrence of Cancer crab (C. magister and C. oregonensis) megalopae off the west coast of Vancouver Island British Columbia Jamieson G.S. and A.C. Phillips journal article Fish. Bull. Vol.86 (3):525-542 1988 seasonal and cross-shelf occurrences of Cancer crab megalopae in 1985 along a transect line perpendicular to the coast off Tofino; 2 species of crab discussed
640 Occurrences of the fishes Pholis schultzi and Liparis mucosus in British Columbia. Peden A.E. DFO library journal article J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Vol.23 (2):313-316 1966 specimens of the red gunnel and slimy snailfish collected near Ucluelet and red gunnels collected off Long Beach red gunnel; slimy snailfish; ucluelet; longbeach
641 Oil threat to birds on the Canadian west coast Vermeer K and R. Vermeer journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.89 (3):278-298 1975 bird species and numbers observed; includes LBMF coastal areas Can. Field-Nat. Vol.89 (3):278-298 seabirds; oil spill threat
642 old growth age and structure study Beese Bill; German Students MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. project
643 Old-growth definitions for the forests of British Columbia Wells R.W.; K.P. Lertzman and S.C. Saunders journal article Natural Areas Journal 18:280-294 1998
644 Opinions Regarding Logging in Clayoquot Sound Axelrod Larry MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
645 Organizing dissent. Contemporary social movements in theory and practice Carroll William (ed) general book 1997 contains chaper on BC Forest Alliance
646 Ornithology Anonymous report Provincial Museum of Natural History Report for the Year 1930 1931 record of an emperor goose from Estevan Point. emperor goose; estevan point
647 Our Living Legacy: Proceedings of a symposium on biological diversity Fenger M.A.; E.H. Miller; J.A. Johnson; E.J.R. Williams Royal BC Museum PRNP library conference proceedings 1993
648 Overcoming obstacles to implementing community-based collaborative governance of natural resources: The case of the Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board (British Columbia) Abrams Peter Elliot Simon Fraser University academic thesis 2000 MRM Simon Fraser University, Resource Management
649 Overview & Level 1 Fish Habitat Assessment of Shark Creek (FINAL) Triton Environmental Consultants BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report February 3, 1997
650 Overview, Level 1 & Level 2 Habitat Assessments 1996/97 Appendices I-V (Vol. 1 of 4) (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.. WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report April 1997
651 Pachena Hatchery Huu-aay-aht First Nation check with Lead Agency project 1998 FsRBC / RAMS Funded Projects
653 Pacific Fishes of Canada Hart J.F.L. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Board of Canada general book 1973
654 Pacific herring population dynamics Ware Dan Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station ongoing (1999) summary: development of a simulation model for Pacific herring in the Barkley Sound – La Perouse Bank pelagic ecosystem pacific herring; La Persouse bank
655 Pacific leatherback turtles (Dermochelys) off the coast of British Columbia MacAskie I.B. and C.R. Forrester journal article Copeia 3:646 1962 6 sightings of turtles along the west coast of Vancouver Island near Clayoquot Sound Pacific leatherback turtles; Dermochelys ; vancouver island
656 Pacific North American First Peoples and the Environment Turner Nancy; E. Richard Atleo (Chief Umeek) Centre for Studies in Religion and Society. State University of New York, Albany, NY book chapter in Traditional and Modern Approaches to the Environment on the Pacific Rim, Tensions and Values 1998
657 Pacific Rim National Park Aquatic resources inventory Mudry D.R. and R.B. Green Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory 1976 lists zooplankton phytoplankton and fish in lakes and streams of Pacific Rim National Park zooplankton; phytoplankton; fish; lakes; streams; Pacific Rim National Park
658 Pacific Rim National Park Bear Management Plan: Revision Clark Doug Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library management plan 1996
660 Pacific Rim National Park Ethnographic History Inglis Richard L. and James C. Haggarty Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum, PRNP library? unpublished report 1986
661 Pacific Rim National Park Human History Study White Brian P. Pacific Rim National Park annotated bibliography 1974
662 Pacific Rim National Park Long Beach Unit Bird Surveys Allard K. and L. Ivanisko Pacific Rim National Park report 1991
664 Pacific Rim National Park Resource Description and Analysis. Volume 1. Seel K.E. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1982 includes wildlife lists and maps showing species; large map appendix which includes Grice Bay wildlife; lists; maps; Pacific Rim National Park
666 Pacific Rim National Park Road Inventory Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1980
667 Pacific Rim National Park Workshop Session Report. In Parks in British Columbia: Emerging Realities Buffinga A. PRNP library? proceedings 1985 Proceedings of a symposium on parks in British Columbia
668 Pacific Rim National Park: An annotated bibliography (The human and natural history, land use and resources management of the west coast of Vancouver Island and adjacent coastal areas of Vancouver Island) Bell M.A.M.; J.M. Brown; K.M. Downard; W.F. Hubbard Social Science Federation of Canada PRNP library bibliography 1981
669 Pacific Rim National Park: forest pest survey Vallentgoed J. Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre Pacific Forestry Centre unpublished report 1983 1 genus and 8 species of invertebrate pests foundon trees in Pacific Rim National Park and area (includes Kennedy Lake) forest pest; Pacific Rim National Park; invertebrates; kennedy lake
670 Pacific Rim National Park: Human History Study. Volume I White Brian P. PRNP library 1974
671 Pacific rim tourism development strategy: background/technical report Canada-British Columbia Travel Industry Development Subsidiary Agreement WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1984
672 Pacific rim tourism development strategy: final report Canada-British Columbia Travel Industry Development Subsidiary Agreement WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1984
673 Palynology of two holocene cores from the Hesquiat peninsula Vancouver Island British Columbia Hebda R.J. and G.E. Rouse journal article Syesis Vol. 12:121-130 1979
674 Pattern and process in old-growth temperate rainforests of southern British Columbia (Vancouver Watersheds, Pacific Spirit Park, Clayoquot Sound Arsenault Andre University of British Columbia academic thesis 1995 PhD University of British Columbia
675 Patterns of Bryophyte Diversity in the Interior and Coastal Cedar-Hemlock Forests of British Columbia. Newmaster S. Clayoquot Biosphere Project PhD candidacy report 1997 bryophyte; clayoquot river valley
676 Patterns of settlement of the Ahousaht and Clayoquot Bands Arcas Assoc. report 1989
677 Physical Inventory and Service Feasibility Studies: Long Beach Segment – Pacific Rim National Park Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report
678 Physical parameters of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) rearing lakes under study by the Enhancement Assessment Unit Rutherford D.T.; K.D. Hyatt; J.E. Radziul and G.J. Steer DFO library journal article Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1878 1986 includes Kennedy Lake
680 Planning between cultural paradigms: Traditional knowledge and the transition to ecological sustainability Lertzman David Adam University of British Columbia academic thesis 1999 PhD University of British Columbia
681 Planning district networks of protected habitat for conservation of biological diversity: A manual with applications for marine islands with primary rainforest (rainforest, British Columbia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea) Ingram Gordon Brent University of California, Berkeley academic thesis 1989 PhD University of California, Berkeley
682 Plant associations and succession in the vegetation of the sand dunes of Long Beach Vancouver Island Kuramoto R.T. University of British Columbia academic thesis 1965 MSc University of British Columbia; adaptations of plants on sand dunes; distribution of plant communities; successional trends of vegetation; gives plant species; M.Sc. Thesis
683 Plant Ecology in the Clayoquot Valley Miller V. Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1994 plant ecology; Clayoquot River valley.
684 Plantation Assessment Dunsworth Glen MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 27-March-90 Opening Road: Deer Bay Main, Mapsheet: 92F.023, Pcode: 4546, Status: 3, Subdivision: Tofino Creek
685 Plants and Amphibians in Hydroriparian Zones in the Clayoquot Sound Area Chan-Mcleod Ann Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1996 available from LBMF plants; amphibians; hydroriparian;
686 Plants and Animals of the Nuu-chah-nulth The CiqÕak Group (Nuu-chah-nulth Central Region Language group) Clayoquot Alliance for Research Education and Training (UVIC & CBT) CBT office? CD ROM 2002 Anne Morgan is main contact person in Ucluelet
687 Plants in British Columbia Indian technology Turner Nancy Royal BC Museum book Handbook No. 38 1992
688 Plants of coastal British Columbia including Washington Oregon and Alaska Pojar J. and A. MacKinnon Lone Pine Publications LBMF library book 1994
689 Plants of Pacific Rim National Park Anonymous Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory discusses some plant species in Pacific Rim National Park and their habitats; lists plant families Pacific Rim National Park; plant
690 Plants of the Clayoquot Valley Schwagerl C.; K. Wulff; V. Seitz and S. Reil Western Canada Wilderness Committee. report 1994 clayoquot river valley; botany; plants
691 Plants of the Clayoquot Valley: Expedition Into the Thriving Biodiversity of British Columbia’s Endangered Temperate Rainforest Schwaegerl Christian Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
694 Pollination of typically anemophilous salt marsh plants by bumble bees Bombus temicola occidentalis Grne Pojar J. journal article The American Midland Naturalist Vol.89 (2):448-451 1973 discusses bumble bee pollination of plants in. a salt marsh near Tofino
695 Population dynamics of juvenile herring in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, as an integral part of the life history Hourston A.S. University of California, Los Angeles academic thesis 1956 PhD University of California, Los Angeles
696 Population nesting habitat and reproductive success of American Black Oystercatchers on the west coast of Vancouver Island Vermeer K.; P.J. Ewins; K.H. Morgan and G.E.J. Smith Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service 1992 1989 nesting population census and habitat investigation in Barkley Sound and in the Flores Island – Cape: Beale region; encompasses LBMF coastal area American Black Oystercatchers; barkley sound; flores island; cape beale
697 Population structure migration pattems and social organization of gray whales in Clayoquot Sound Steeves Tammy examination of population structure migration patterns and social organization of gray whales migrating past and summering in Clayoquot Sound using a combination genetic analysis and sighting data clayoquot sound; gray whale; Eschrichtius robustus; population structure; migration patterns; social organization; genetic analysis; photoidentification
698 Population trends of Pelagic Cormorants and Glaucous-winged Gulls nesting on the west coast of Vancouver Island Vermeer K.; K.H. Morgan and P. J. Ewins Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service 1989 1989 cenus; numbers of pelagic cormorants and glaucous-winged gulls declined by 70 % and 13 % respectively since a census in 1974-75 Pelagic Cormorants; glaucus-winged gulls; west coast vancouver island
699 Possible Dream: Hunkering Down to Talk Clayoquot MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Ministry of Forests Library brochure 1996
700 Potential fishery for the gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby 1833) in British Columbia Bemard F.R. journal article Fisheries Research 6:287-298 1988 study undertaken at Amphitrite Point to. determine the potential fishery for P. polymerus
701 Predator-ungulate relationships in second growth forests on Vancouver Island Hatter I.W. BC Forests (Ministry of); BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) report 1982 effects and influences of predation (by wolves cougars and black bears) on deer and elk wolf; cougar; black bear; ungulate; vancouver island
702 Preliminary Assessment for Future Monitoring and Management Suggestions to Minimize the Impact of Trampling on Intertidal Fermanis E.; H. Lee; R. Tao; J. Welch School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
703 Preliminary Assessment of the Rocky Intertidal Community for Future Monitoring of Visitor Impacts – Telegraph Beach Dechiaro K.; R. Gonzalez; D. Hahn; M. Williams School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
704 Preliminary distributional list of the spiders of British Columbia Thorn E. Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report 1966 list includes all available records of spiders; 212 species including 4 species from Tofino
705 Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Beach Campsites on Cow Bay for Future Monitoring Management Plans – Flores Island Austin T.; C. Arlotta; W. Lamm; S. Crowley School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
706 Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment for the Unnamed Creek at Cow Bay – Flores Island Irani J.; M. Hamren-Larsson; J. Perkins; J. Wagar School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
707 Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment of the Mt. Flores Section of the Ahousaht Wild Side Heritage Trail x Flores Island Berger P.; D. Herzlinger; C. Hu; J. Menon School for Field Studies School for Field Studies student paper 1996
708 Preliminary Environmental Investigation Clayoquot IR3 Development Pacific Rim National Park Seel K.E. Pacific Rim National Park report 1980
709 Preliminary investigation on the red sea urchin resources of British Columbia (Strongylocentrotusftanciscanus (Agassiz)) Bemard F.R. and D.C. Miller report Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Technical Report No. 400 1973 discusses the biology of the red sea urchin and commercial exploitation; urchins sampled in Clayoquot Sound
710 Preliminary Investigations of Cultural and Recreational Features of Easter Watershed in Ahousaht Territory of Clayoquot Sound Foy Joe MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1995
711 Preliminary investigations of culturally modified trees (CMTS) by aboriginal use of the Ursus Valley in Ahousaht territory of Clayoquot Sound Western Canada Wilderness Committee Ahousaht First Nation; Western Canada Wilderness Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1995 location and mapping of 30 CMT’s in a 2km section of the Ursus Valley
712 Preliminary List of Lichens from Clayoquot Sound Wulffe K. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1994 preliminary list of lichens collected in the Clayoquot Valley and Meares Island; 64 species identified clayoquot river valley; meares island; lichens
713 Preliminary Notes on Ditidaht Land Use Bouchard Randy and Dorothy Kennedy Pacific Rim National Park 1971
714 Preliminary Report Economic Feasibility of domestic water system Clayoquot Sound Waterworks District Water and Land Management, Water Rights Branch WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1977
715 Preliminary Report on Roosevelt Elk (Cervus Elaphus rooseelti) in the Ursus Valley Wilcon Wildlife Consulting Ltd. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1995
716 Preliminary survey of Bamfield Community Responses to management alternatives for Cape Beale Webber Marian School for Field Studies-Centre for Coastal Studies cape beale; land management
717 Preliminary survey of intertidal and subtidal marine fauna and flora of Pacific Rim National Park with emphasis on Long Beach section Robilliard G.A. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1971 intertidal and subtidal surveys done in Pacific Rim National Park; surveys off Long Beach list marine invertebrate species at sites; and physical habitats Pacific Rim National Park; intertidal and subtidal; marine invertebrate
718 Preliminary work at Vargas Island Willows D. University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories University of Washington unpublished data 1990 gives species of marine invertebrates seen while diving for nudibranchs in Clayoquot Sound
719 Principles for a Long-term Monitoring Group for Clayoquot Sound and Conservation Partnerships with Nuu-chah-nutlh Communities Ingram Gordon Brent MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1994.
721 Proceedings of the Carnation Creek workshop: a ten-year review Hartman G. conference proceedings 1982 discusses research on’Carnation Creek (Barkley Sound) in a pre-logged logged and post-logged state; includes effects on fish vegetation and macroinvertebrates Proceedings of the Carnation Creek workshop: a ten-year review.
724 Proceedings of the workshop: Applying 15 years of Carnation Creek results Chamberlin T.W. Carnation Creek Steering Committee workshop proceedings 1987 logging and fisherieseffects on Carnation Creek watershed; discusses runoff and channel environment; impacts on salmon/trout; the food chain; fish habitat utilization; and fish population response fish; habitat; carnation creek
726 Profile – great blue heron Davis S. ? Article Pacific Search Vol. 1 1 (l):5-7 1976 photo profile and description of a bird found in Barkley and Clayoquot Sound
727 Profiles of the undeveloped watersheds on Vancouver Island Moore K. Friends of Ecological Reserves report 1991 overview of biophysical resources in Moyeha Megin and Sydney watersheds
728 Projected Impact of MB Downsizing / Rationalization of Operstions in Port Alberni MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1991
729 Protected Areas and the Boundary Model: Meares Island and Pacific Rim National Park Dearden Philip Canadian Geographer journal article Canadian Geographer 32(3):256-265 1988
730 Protected areas on Vancouver Island: an analysis of gaps in representation for conservation purposes. 1991/1992 Progess Report Eng M. BC Forests (Ministry of) report 1991/1992 Progess Report EP 1145 1992 description of biogeoclimatic zones for Vancouver Island; includes LBMF area
731 Protecting our seabird colonies Kaiser G. and M. Lemon general magazine article Discovery Vol.16 (3):17-80 1987 refers to Cleland Island seabird; cleland island
732 Protecting wetland habitats in the Cypre Watershed area, Clayoquot Sound. How does Iisaak Forest Resources do it? McNutt Kate; Barbara Beasley; Margret Moeges Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library; Min. of Forests library extension note 2002 available from LBMF
733 Protest Behaviour and Other Efforts to Influence Forest Policy in British Columbia: The Case of Clayoquot Sound Stanbury W.T. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
734 Protocols Project Shreiber Gerry and Kelly Bannister Clayoquot Alliance for Research Education and Training (UVIC & CBT) CBT office protocols 2002
739 Provincial park and ecological reserve status Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee BC Parks (Ministry of) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1991
740 Public Opinion on Logging in Clayoquot Sound and on Clearcut Logging Angus Reid Group Inc. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1994
741 Public Participation in Implementation of Government Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision BC Commission on Resources and Environment BC Commission on Resources and Environment Ministry of Forests Library
742 Public Report and Recommendations re: Issues Arising from the Government’s Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision Commission on Resources and Environment MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1993
743 Public Report No. 31: Administrative Fairness of the Process Leading to the Clayoquot Sound Land Use Decision McCallum Dulcie BC Office of the Ombudsman MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1993
745 Public sphere politics and community conflict over the environment and Native land rights in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia Dark Alx Vladimir New York University academic thesis 1998 PhD New York University
746 Rare marine fishes from British Columbia with first records of Silver Perch Hyperprosopon ellipticum and Shanny Leptoclinus maculatus. Peden A.E. DFO library journal article J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Vol.23 (8):1277-1280 1966 mentions 2 additional fish species; specimens taken in LBMF coastal areas. fish; silver perch; shanny; british columbia
747 Rare plants of Pacific Rim National Park (revised) Bell M.A.M. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library inventory 1976 list of rare plants; inlcudes species found in Kennedy Lake area Pacific Rim National Park; Rare plants
748 Recent information on nesting colonies of mew gulls on Kennedy Lake Vancouver Island British Columbia. Campbell R.W. 1970 largest known population of breeding mew gulls in British Columbia (1968-1969); notes about colonies; lists land bird species mew gulls; kennedy lake
751 Recent observations of the gray whale in British Columbia Hatler D.F. and J.D. Darling journal article Can. Field-Nat. Vol.88:449-459 1974 observations of gray whales along the west coast of Vancouver Island including the LBMF area throughout the year Gray whales; Eschrichtius robu-stus;
752 reconstructing historical disturbances MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. project
754 Records of distribution of some crustacea in British Columbia Hart J.F.L. Royal BC Museum Royal BC Museum report Report of the British Columbia Provincial Museum 1961 pp. 17-19 1961 includes amphipods mysids shrimp and crab; some shrimp/crab specimens collected in LBMF area
755 Recovery rate in three exploited sea urchin populations from 1972 to 1977 Breen P.A.; B.E. Adkins and D.C. Miller DFO library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1446 1978 effect of sea urchin harvesting on the marine plants at the sites was examined; study sites near Tofino
756 Recreational crowding and the prospects for fish-related recreation, Pacific Rim National Park Meyer P.A. and R.C. Bryan Canada Fisheries and Marine Service. Pacific Region. Southern Operations Branch PRNP library 1974 This study intended to focus upon crowding as one variable in the total recreational product, to gain experience and develop expertise in the subject area, and to identify questions critical to the analysis of crowding. The study was developmental in inte F; M; Canada; INE; British Columbia; Vancouver I.; Pacific Rim National Park; recreational waters; sociological aspects; sport fishing
758 Recreational Potential in Grice Bay and Adjacent Waters of Southeast Clayoquot Sound Smith L. Pacific Rim National Park PRNP library report 1981 j
760 Reef Fish community structure:an experimental study using small artificial reefs in Barkley Sound, British Columbia Gascon Dominique University of Alberta academic thesis 1982 PhD University of Alberta
761 Reference values for the assessment of criteria and indicators of sustainability Shaw Derek; Barbara Beasley; Catherine Jacobsen; Kate McNutt Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002 available from LBMF
763 Regional Analysis of Marine Region I Pacific West Coast (Draft Report) Searing G.F. Pacific Rim National Park draft report
764 Regional Database West Coast Sustainability Association check with Lead Agency project 1998 FsRBC/ RAMS Funded Project
765 Rehabilitation Plan for the Hesquiat Lake-Rae Basin Fan Area (FINAL) Baumann Engineering BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report July 30, 1997
766 Rehabilitation projects using willow in the Clayoquot Sound area: recommendations Klassen G. Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 1998 available from LBMF
767 Relationship between feeding, reproductive condition, jaw size and density in the red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus Bureau Dominique Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1996 MSc Simon Fraser University
768 Report of Flowering Vascular Plants Found in the Clayoquot Lake Area May 13-15 1994 Penn B. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1994 notes regarding flowering of 121 plants species identified by Kunze (1993); 10 additional plant species identified clayoquot river valley; flowering vascular plants;
772 Report of the Scientific Panel for sustainable forest practices in Clayoquot Sound Cortex Consultants Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Ministry of Forests Library; report 1994
773 Report on summer research 1976 and proposed research budget for 1977 on Cleland. Island Ecological Reserve. Groves S. report 1976
775 Report on the Rockslide at Clayoquot Lake Baxter John Clayoquot Biosphere Project CBP archives report 1995 rockslide; Clayoquot Lake
776 Report on the settlement of Whyack Village, Vancouver Island, BC Touchie Bernice Parks Canada PRNP library unpublished report 1977
777 Reproductive dynamics of four plant communities of southwestern British Columbia Pojar J. journal article Can. J. Botany Vol.52:1819-1834 1974 modes of pollination in 4 plant communities; includes a salt marsh near Tofino and 2 sphagnum bogs in Pacific Rim National Park; gives plant species found in these areas
778 Response of attached algae to whole-lake fertilization experiments in five British Columbia coastal lakes Shortreed K.R.S. and J.G. Stockner DFO library report Fish. and Mar. Service Technical Report No. 802 1978 7 species of diatoms attached to plates placed in Clayoquot Arm of Kennedy Lake
783 Responses of mysids (Neomysis mercedis) to fertilization of a British Columbia coastal lake Hyatt K.D. and K. Cooper in process study site Kennedy Lake
784 Restoration Planning Assesssments for Coke Bottle Creek & Side Channel A/B 1996/97 (Vol. 1b of 4, Chapter 5.0) (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report April 1997
785 Restoration Plans for Boulder Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report
786 Restoration Plans for Boulder Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 1, 1996
787 Restoration Plans for Boulder Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT/FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report March 1, 1996
788 Restoration Plans for Boulder Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 25, 1996
789 Restoration Plans for Cabin Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 5, 1995
790 Restoration Plans for Cabin Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT/FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report March 5, 1995
791 Restoration Plans for Cabin Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 5, 1995
792 Restoration Plans for Cabin Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 5, 1995
793 Restoration Plans for David Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report
794 Restoration Plans for David Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 21, 1996
795 Restoration Plans for Devils Club Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 10, 1996
796 Restoration Plans for Devils Club Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 10, 1996
797 Restoration Plans for Lower Olympic Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report February 26, 1996
800 Restoration Plans for Lower Olympic Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT/FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report February 26, 1996
801 Restoration Plans for Lower Olympic Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library Feb 26, 1996
802 Restoration Plans for Muriel Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 15, 1996
803 Restoration Plans for Muriel Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 15, 1996
804 Restoration Plans for Muriel S1 Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 6, 1996
805 Restoration Plans for Muriel S1 Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 6, 1996
806 Restoration Plans for Muriel S1 Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Division, DFO NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO report March 6, 1996
808 Restoration Plans for Tributary 1276.6, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 4, 1996
810 Restoration Plans for Tributary 1276.6, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 4, 1996
812 Restoration Plans for Tributary 1382.1, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. March 5, 1996
813 Restoration Plans for Tributary 1382.1, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project DRAFT NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 5, 1996
816 Restoration Plans for Upper Kennedy Tributary 1430.0, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 6, 1996
817 Restoration Plans for Upper Kennedy Tributary 1430.0, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 6, 1996
818 Restoration Plans for Upper Kennedy Tributary 1430.0, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 6, 1996
819 Restoring First Nations to the land: Lessons from Clayoquot Sound Shaw Derek Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council; Natural Resources Defense Council LBMF library report 2001
820 Review of 1995 Clayoquot Lake Precipitation Data Reynolds G. Clayoquot Biosphere Project report 1996 clayoquot lake; precipitation
821 Review of Current Forest Practice Standards in Clayoquot Sound Cortex Consultants Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel WLAP&SRM Ministry Library; report 1994
823 Review of Current Forest Practice Standards in Clayoquot Sound: Progress Report 2 Scientific Panel for Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel for Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1994
824 Review of Reports Prepared by the Scientific Panel for Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Flavelle Alex and Herb Hammond MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library review 1995
825 Review of the 1989-1990 British Columbia herring fishery and spawn abundance. Chalmers D.D. DFO library journal article Can. Ind. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 207:129 1991 dive and surface surveys conducted on the major spawning locations on Elbow Bank Yellow Bank and Hesquiat Harbour herring; elbow bank; yellow bank; hesquiaht harbour
826 Riparian Assessment: Atleo River Recommended Riparian Silviculture Plan V.A. Poulin & Associates Ltd. and Quillicum Forestry Services Ltd. WRP Library report Feb 1999
827 Risks associated with Cascadia Subduction Earthquakes on Coastal Fisheries on West Vancouver Island Dobson Deirde Simon Fraser University academic thesis 2003 (in progress) MSc Simon Fraser University, Geography
828 Road approval within a riparian management area on Catface Mountain in Clayoquot Sound : complaint investigation 980146 BC Forest Practices Board Ministry of Forests Library report 1999
829 Role of nest raiding and egg predation in regulating population density of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a coastal British Columbia lake. Hyatt K.D. and N.H. Ringler Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch DFO library journal article Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol.46 (3) 1985 gives population density of sticklebacks in Kennedy Lake; lists the fish species in the lake in order of abundance. The consequences of nest raiding and egg predation for population regulation of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus ) were studied in a B threespine sticklebacks; (Gasterosteus aculeatus) ; kennedy lake; breeding biology; population; intraspecific relationships, cannibalism, population dynamics; Gasterosteus aculeatus; biotic pressures; survival; Canada; British Columbia Kenndey Lake
830 Role of nest raiding and egg predation in. regulating population density of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a coastal British Columbia lake Hyatt K.D. and N.H. Ringler journal article Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol.46 (2):372-383 1989 describes vegetation at study sites at Kennedy Lake
831 Role of the chick’s begging behavior in the regulation of parental feeding behavior of Larus glaucescens. Henderson B.A. journal article Condor Vol.’77 (4):488-492 1975 glaucous-winged gull behaviour on Cleland Island Larus glaucescens; glaucus-winged gull; cleland island
832 Roosevelt Elk Inventory Project in Clayoquot Sound Wilcon Wildlife Consultants Ltd. WLAP&SRM Ministry Library inventory 1996
834 Salamanders Zolbrod K. Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1995 clayoquot river valley; salamanders
835 Salmon and sustainability :The biophysical cost of producing salmon through the commercial salmon fishery and the intensive salmon culture industry Tyedmers Peter University of British Columbia academic thesis 2001 PhD University of British Columbia
836 Salmon aquaculture in British Columbia Haberl Janice Simon Fraser University academic thesis 2001 MRM Simon Fraser University
837 Salmon escapement records 1967-1989 for Area 24. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans unpublished data 1989 approximate numbers of salmon returning to streams in Clayoquot Sound between 1967 and 1989 clayoquot sound; fish; salmon; escapement
839 Salmon Stocks at Risk Hyatt Kim Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station project pacific salmon
840 Sand Climate Inventory Report 2000 Collyer Michael; J. McGarvie; R. Scott Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library report 2002
841 Sand Dune Management on the North Pacific Coast: A Bibliography with Abstracts and Analysis of the Literature Pacific Rim National Park bibliography 1977
842 Sandpiper survey of the Tofino mudflats Hobson M. Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service report 1988 censuses of sandpipers during spring migration and fall migration; maximum of 16400 sandpipers seen in the 7 sites in spring; maximum of 3800 sandpipers seen in the fall sandpiper-tofino mudflats
843 SCHIRP (2) Beese Bill MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. 12-Mar-96 Opening Road: Barc 100 BM 39A/B, Mapsheet: 92C.093, Pcode: 4229, Status: 3, Subdivision: Barclay
844 Scientific Panel for Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound: backgrounder British Columbia Scientific Panel for Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library report 1993
845 Sea Urchin Management by the Hesquiaht First Nation: Implications for Community Sructure and the Successful Establshment of a Commercial Sea Urchin Fishery Mooney Robert Hesquiaht First Nation; Long Beach Model Forest Hesquiaht Band Office; LBMF library report 1997 1997 progress report
846 Seabirds of happiness Kitchen T. magazine article Outdoor.Canada April 1987:49-52 55 1987 refers to Cleland Island seabird; cleland island
847 Seasonal abundance and biomass of birds in eelgrass habitats in Browning Passage on the west coast of Vancouver Island Butler R.W.; A. Dorst and M.A. Hobson Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service report in The ecology, status, and conservation of marine and shoreline birds on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Occasional Paper., No. 75. Vermeer, K., R.W. Butler, and K.H. Morgan (eds.) 1992 seasonal abundance and biomass of birds in eelg rass habitat; comparison with other coastal habitats in BC eelgrass habitat; waterfowl; shorebirds; browning passage
848 Secrets of the Rainforest Kennedy Des general magazine article Nature Canada Vol. 23(4):33-37 magazine article
849 Seeing the forest among the trees: The case for wholistic forest use Hammond Herb Polestar Press (pub) general book 1991
850 Seeing the Ocean through the Trees: a Conservation Based Strategy for Clayoquot Sound; with a statement by Umeek Ecotrust Canada Ecotrust Canada WLAP&SRM Ministry Library; Ecotrust book 1997
851 Settling Clayoquot Bossin Bob BC Provincial Archives sound recording 1981 Canada; British Columbia; Clayoquot Sound; Tofino; Historical account, Oral history
852 Share our resourcec report #1: Statistical summary of results from the Community Concerns about Forestry and Conservation survey Tindall David and Celine Mauboules Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, UBC report 1998 delivered to Share our Resources in Port Alberni political science; clayoquot sound
853 Sharing and protecting our knowledge: A Nuu-chah-nulth perspective LBMF Long Beach Model Forest LBMF library workshop proceedings 1999 available from LBMF
854 Shellfish culture capability appraisal for Clayoqout Sound: Discussion document Cross S.F.; B.C. Kingzett (Aquametrix Research Ltd.) BC Resource Inventory Committee WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report 1993 also map atlas for project
855 Shore-based surimi production for British Columbia :a preliminary case study in Ucluelet Harbour Cross S.F.; G.G. Krause BC Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (Ministry of) DFO library report 1993
856 Shorebird population estimates in the Fraser River Delta and Tofino mudflats British Columbia Butler R.W. Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service 1989 9 species of shorebirds (15081 birds in total) counted in Tofino mudflats in. one day; 4 bird species noted only in Tofino mudflats 5 bird species noted only in Fraser River Delta shorebird; population estimates; tofino mudflats
857 Shoreline vegetation on herring spawning grounds in Clayoquot Sound Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, BC (Canada). Pacific Biological Station. DFO library report Fish. and Mar. Service Manuscript Report No. 1536 1979 The ability to accurately record and assess herring (Clupea harengus pallasi ) spawnings depends to a considerable degree on a knowledge of the vegetative substrate upon which the adhesive eggs are deposited. Large format colour and colour-infrared photog seaweeds; spawning grounds; mapping; Clupea harengus; INE, Canada, Clayoquot Sound
858 Sighting and kill data for the Steller sea lion (Eumatopias jubatus) and California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) in British Columbia 1892-1982 with some records from Washington and Southeastern Alaska. Bigg M.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station DFO library report 1992 includes sea lion haulout areas in Clayoquot Sound; gives sea lion abundances at sites in British Columbia Steller sea lion; Eumatopias jubatus; California sea lion; Zalophus californianus
859 Since Kwatyat lived on earth: An examination of Nuu-chah-nulth culture history McMillan A.D. Simon Fraser University academic thesis 1996 PhD Simon Fraser University
860 Size gradients and shell polymorphism in limpets with consideration of the role of predation Hartwick E.B. journal article The Veliger Vol. 23(3):254-264 1981 refers to Cleland Island
861 Slashburning effects on tree growth and nutrients in the coastal western hemlock zone, Southern British Columbia: Longer-term trends Curran Michael Patrick University of British Columbia academic thesis 1994 PhD University of British Columbia
862 Slope and Road Hydrology in Natural and Disturbed Watersheds Clayoquot Sound Chapman Allan BC Forests (Ministry of) Vancouver Forest Region, Research Section Onad Creek; Marble Creek; road and slope hydrology; Clayoquot Sound
863 Smithsonian Institute/ Man and the Biosphere Permanent Plot Chatwin Trudy BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of)
864 Social and Economic Impacts of Aboriginal Land Claims Settlements: a Case Study Analysis ARA Consulting Group Inc. MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library 1995
865 Social Behaviour in a Non-Pupping Colony of Stellar Sea Lions Harestad A.S. 1973
866 Socio-Economic Assessment of Land Use Options for the Clayoquot Sound Area Holman Gary Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Steering Committee MacPherson Library (UVIC); Ministry of Forests Library; WLAP&SRM Ministry Library 1992
867 Socioeconomic restructuring and population health: a study of west coast communities Dai Sulan University of Victoria academic thesis 2003 PhD dissertation University of Victoria Geography, Assistant: Heather Nelson
868 Soils of the Tofino-Ucluelet Lowland of British Columbia Valentine K.W.G. Canada Department of Agriculture, Research Branch PRNP library; DFO library report Report #11 of the BC Soil Survey 1971
869 Some Culturally Significant Plants Known to Occur Within the Clayoquot Lake Area Used by Members of the Tla-o-qui-aht Nation Davis Alison Clayoquot Biosphere Project Ministry of Forests Library report 1994
870 Some notes on Vancouver Island salamanders Guppy R. magazine article Victoria Naturalist Vol. 10 (2):13-15; Vol. 10 (3):25-27 1953 lists 5 species of salamanders and 1 species of newt found on Vancouver Island; 1 species near Kennedy Lake. salamander; vancouver island; kennedy lake
871 Some Observations of the Square-legged Camel Cricket Tropidischia Xanthostoma (Scudder 1861) Koschinski S. Clayoquot Biosphere Project student paper 1994 habitat and life history parameters of T. xanthostoma examined in the Clayoquot Valley Square-legged camel cricket; Tropidischia xanthostoma; Clayoquot River Valley
872 Some salamander observations Guppy R. magazine article Victoria Naturalist Vol. 4(6):63-65 1946 3 species of salamanders found in Tofmo. salamander; tofino
873 Spatial and temporal variation of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) fish communities in Clayoquot
Sound”. Yakimishyn Jennifer University of Victoria academic thesis 2003 (in progress) MSc University of Victoria (Geography)
874 Sprout Lake Assessment Sprout Lake Stewardship Society check with Lead Agency project 1998 FRBC/RAMS
875 Status of Biological Diversity and Ancient Forest Ecosystems in Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island, Canada Ingram Gordon Brent Ministry of Forests Library 1994
876 Status of the caspian tem in British Columbia Campbell R.W. journal article Syesis Vol. 4 (1 and 2):185-189 1971 sightings from Vargas and Cleland Island caspian tern; vargas island; cleland island
877 Status of the sea otter (Enhydra lutils) in Canada MacAskie I. West Coast Whale Research Foundation BC Parks (Ministry of) report 1985 discusses 2 Vancouver Island sea otter colonies at Checleset Bay and Bajo Reef off Nootka Island sea otter; Enhydra lutils; status
878 Status of the sea otter (Enhydra luttis) in Canada MacAskie I. West Coast Whale Research Foundation Ministry of Parks report 1987 discusses status of Vancouver Island sea otters sea otter; Enhydra lutils; status
879 Steamer Cove marine biology report Sloan N.A. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Woodland Services unpublished report 1980 22 species of fish caught in beach seines on Flores Island steamer cove; flores island; fish
880 Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1988 and forecasts of the potential catch 1989. Haist V. and J.F. Schweigert DFO library journal article Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2028:28 1989 1988 assessement of herring stock abundance in subdistrict #24 and forecasts made for 1989
881 Strathcona Park Roosevelt Elk Study Simmons Rik BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) WLAP&SRM Ministry Library report summary: three year study of Roosevelt elk in Strathcona Park with a focus on distribution and abundance; includes radiotelemetry; Several drainages including Pamela; Donner; Elk; Thelwood creeks. Roosevelt elk; Strathcona Park; radio telemetry; population; Pamela creek; Donner creek; Elk Creek; Thelwood Creek
882 Stream – Fish Habitat Condition Assessments, Olympic Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel Watershed Restoration Project (DRAFT/FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Division, DFO NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO report March 23, 1996
883 Stream – Fish Habitat Condition Assessments: Muriel Creek, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO report March 15, 1996
884 Stream Habitat Assessment and Restoration Ahousaht First Nation Ahousaht Band Office project habitat assessment and mapping for all rivers streams and spawning channels; stream habitat restoration; implement a comprehensive GIS-based monitoring program for the fisheries and other resources
885 Stream summary catalogue. Subdistrict 24 Tofino DeMarco R. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, South Coast Division, Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program 1991 This catalogue contains a summary of information on fish habitat for 100 streams in DFO Subdistrict 24, Tofino. The catalogue is organized as follows : 1.0 Map indices; 2.0 User guides; 3.0 Stream summaries; 4.0 Bibliography; and 5.0 Stream information s Canada; British Columbia; Vancouver I; Kennedy R; habitat; inventories; rivers, Salmonidae; Oncorhynchus
886 Stream summary catalogue. Subdistrict 24 Tofino Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans DFO library inventory 1990 contains summary of information on fish and fish habitat for 100 streams in DFO Subdistrict 24 Tofino fish; fish habitat; clayoquot sound
887 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessment Side Channels A & B, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library March 25, 1996
889 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1276 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 25, 1996
890 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1382 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO March 25, 1996
892 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1382 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 25, 1996
893 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1430 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 25, 1996
894 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1430 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. BC Environment Lands and Parks (Ministry of) Regional Office, Nanaimo report March 25, 1996
895 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments 1430 Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO report March 25, 1996
896 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments Boulder Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 25, 1996
897 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments Boulder Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc.; Stock Assessment Div, DFO report March 25, 1996
898 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments Cabin Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. WRP Library report March 23, 1996
899 Stream-Fish Habitat Condition Assessments Cabin Creek, Upper Kennedy River, Clayoquot Sound: Kennedy-Muriel WRP (FINAL) NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. NEI; MC Wright & Assoc. report March 23, 1996

See Part 1

See Part 1a

See Part 2

See Part 3

See Part 4