
Expanded Ecosystem Legend East Columbia Lake Study Area

Posted November 17, 1998 | Categories : 20,Reports |

I. Legend to Ecosystem Units November 17, 1998

Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program issued a request for proposals to complete 1:20,000 Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping in the East Columbia Lake Study area. JMJ Holdings Inc. was awarded the contract to complete the mapping with wildlife interperations and a management treatment overlay. Enns (1993) undertook a biophysical study of this same area.
The study area is located on the east shores of Columbia Lake between Canal Flats and Fairmont Hot Springs in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia (Figure 1). The study area is bordered on the west by Columbia Lake and on the east by the height of land that comprises the ridgeline of Mount Fairmont. The southern boundary is adjacent to private land that borders the Kootenay River. The study area is approximately 7500 hectares in area and is situated on portions of the following 1:20,000 T.R.I.M. map sheets:


See the complete PDF: east_columbia_lake_map-legend