Buck Hills Road Ecological Reserve #6 Management Statement

(This statement is intended for use in conjunction with the descriptive text and map pages supplied in the “Guide to Ecological Reserves in British Columbia”).

Features Requiring Special Management Consideration:

  • −  Main feature and reason for the reserve is a small stand of mature western larch trees growing on an accumulation of large boulders.
  • −  There is also an unusual occurrence of Pika and an abundance of the northern alligator lizard on the same boulder field.Management Issues:
  1. Mountain pine beetle damage to lodgepole pines prompted extensive logging in the surroundings. Adjacent clear-cuts have exposed the reserve’s boundaries to the south and west.
  2. The area of both ER 5 and ER 6 have become easily accessible via new logging roads. However, the old access road which crosses the reserve is now abandoned. This affords the reserve better protection from vehicle-based public use.
  3. In 1984 the boundaries of the reserve were found to have missed part of the main feature and were subsequently corrected by O.I.C.
  4. When the reserve was created in 1971 a 66 foot right-of-way was exempted from reserve status for the above mentioned traversing road. This exclusion is now redundant. The road corridor could probably be added now.
  5. A trapline overlaps with the reserve’s area.
  6. As elsewhere in this zone, fire is an important factor in the history of this forest. However, the small size and the intent of the reserve, to protect a grove of mature trees, probably exclude even prescribed fires.

Management Actions Required and their Priority:

  1. Determine with the Ministry of Forests if the 66 foot right-of-way of the now abandoned logging road may be added to the reserve.
  2. Ensure that the trapline holder is aware of the reserve and exempts it from his operations.

  1. Larch cones
  2. Fire, Insect and Disease Contingency: Avoid fires; if firefighting becomes necessary, avoid using chemicals and bulldozers in the reserve.
  3. No insect and disease control desired, unless surrounding commercial forest is severely threatened by outbreaks in the reserve.