
Reflections on the life, work, and times of Vladimir Joseph Krajina

Posted July 15, 1988 | Categories : 45,History,People |

MOHAN K. WALI , State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, U.S.A.
WALI, M. K. 1988. Reflections on the life, work, and times of Vladimir Joseph Krajina. Can. J. Bot. 66: 2605-2619.
A distinguished teacher, botanist, ecologist, and conservationist, Professor Vladimir Joseph Krajina has made major contributions to basic ecology and to the understanding of Canada’s natural environment. He has fostered an enviable rigor in the  conduct of ecological studies. Combining a unique blend of European and North American ecological approaches to the study  of ecosystems, his original synthesis using a biogeoclimatic classification of the ecosystems of British Columbia is now followed both in the classroom and in natural resource management. As a teacher, he has left a strong legacy to ecology through his many students. His achievements in conservation, through the establishment of 117 ecological reserves in British Columbia, devoted solely to ecological research by law, are legendary.

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