From BC Parks:
I. Introduction
Ecological Reserve Purposes
As outlined in the Ecological Reserve Act of 1971, ecological reserves are protected for the following purposes:
• Scientific research and educational use • Representation of natural ecosystems • Study of recovery processes after modification by man • Protection of rare and endangered native plants and animals in their natural habitat • Protection of other unique and rare botanical, zoological or geological phenomena.
See the Full PDF: skwaha_lk_er_mp(1)
Management of ecological reserves is therefore concerned primarily with strict protection of the resources themselves and with the provision of those research and educational opportunities which will not harm or diminish these resources.
Recreation and tourism are not supported in ecological reserves, although public access for non- consumptive, observational activities is tolerated, provided no significant resource impact results from it.
Purpose of the Management Plan
This plan states the role of the ecological reserve in the provincial system, the long-term vision for the ecological reserve and the management objectives and actions to achieve this vision. The ecological reserve role and objectives as stated in this plan cannot be contravened in meaning or intent without consultation with the public and approval by the district manager and BC Parks Management Committee (PMC). The five year business plan is subject to annual review and adjustme nts.
II. Background Summary
Natural Features
• Located 20 km N of Lytton and 11 km W of Spences Bridge, the reserve is reached via the Botanie and upper Skoonka Creek valleys.
• Part of the Clear Range within the Pavilion Ranges Ecosection and representing three biogeoclimatic variants within three zones, Interior Douglas-fir, Montane Spruce, and Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir.
• With the southern (lower) boundary defined by a contour line and the remainder by straight lines, this reserve extends between 1200 and 1700 m elevation and comprises an area of 850 ha.
• Predominantly south-facing slopes in the lower half give way to a gently rolling plateau above and the soil cover varies from shallow or absent to deep.
• Small streams, all tributaries to Skoonka Creek, drain the reserve, the main one originating in tiny, boggy-margined Skwaha Lake.