Kerouard islands Seabird Inventory, 1977
Bristol Foster, Trudy Carson and Martin Lee visited the Kerouard Isalnds and made this report for the BC Provincial Museum, in 1977. ” These islands are the southern most islands on the Queen Charlotte Islands, ( Gwaii Haanas) located south off Kunghit Island and South of St. James Island.”.
In these hand-written notes they indicate : ” The Kerouard Islands support amazing numbers of nesting sea-birds. All vegetated are is utilized and Burrowed by CAAU’s and Tufted Puffins. The rocky coast supports nesting PECO’s PIGU’s GWGU and Common Murre ( a new record for the QCI)”
Common Murre image by Raisa Mirza
See the complete pdf file: Foster, Carson & Lee 1977 – Kerouard Survey